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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, I have a small business and I'm looking to bring on a full stack PHP developer. I'd like for the applicants to build a small full stack example application before I decided. Can anyone help me with cool -- samll -- example projects that might be appropriate for interviews? All the examples online are NOT full stack examples, and very basic -- like writing a file, etc. I need a small full stack application example that's not too big to scare off but not so small it won't matter. Thanks!
  2. Hello, I have a very big problem with stolen data and i don't know how to STOP that. The situation : I have a website where i spend lot of time to register events and info on events (something like www.CoolEvents.com) Users can log in and then comment events, and do others actions when logged. The PROBLEM : Someone created AN IPHONE APPLICATION that is an EXACT copy of my website, and is name CoolEvent App !!! Same infos, same comments, and you can log in via this app (parsing my site) and post comment on my website ! It's horrible for me, because 40% of my users now used this application (who earn money by displaying advertising). So i losed 40% of visitors !!! Without using legal channels, how can i STOP an IPHONE APP to parse my website or to acces to my website ? Do you know a TECHNICAL solution to prevent an APP to PARSE and then copy my website ? At least, is it possible to made it IMPOSSIBLE to log in to my website (and so be able to post comment on my site) by using this APP ? Thanks for your help !!
  3. Hello All, I am trying to turn a PHP application I made about a year ago into a WordPress plugin. I'm reasonably new in the world of WordPress plugins and have what I think will be a simple question. My plugin creates a shortcode, and when the WordPress page with that short code on is loaded, the program calls a function and displays it. My question is, within that function, how do I create a link or button (or something else) which will run the chosen function. Here is what I mean: function welcome() { ?>Welcome. This is the first screen of the plugin. Click <a href="???">here</a> to register. } function register() { register here } How would I make the above piece of code work. My thanks in advance.
  4. Hello I am trying to create a password storing application, but cannot figure out the best way to store account passwords. The application wont store just user passwords to login, but passwords for other accounts. For example Client wants to be able to store all their Facebook and twitter passwords on the site, then log in when they want to find it. I was going to make it so the admin needed repeat their password they used to login to the application to retrieve another password, all of this is no problem, its just encrypting the passwords and being able to "un-encrypt" it later so they can see it. Any help would be appreciated, the person doesn't really care if its secure, they just want me to store the strings in the Database to be retrieved later, but I want to make it secure. Thank you
  5. I was looking for a magento application for a ecommerce store and finally found a native application called Magento Android Application by Adodis at Android Market place. If you have any other application similar to this please let me know
  6. Hey guys, I am looking for some web based ideas that I could develop for my last year of university. Any ideas? It could be web app or just a website, but it has to have some sort of database logic behind it.
  7. Hello to all php freaks. I post here because I have some problems with app design. I want to design simple statistical app. I find myself stuck at DB design. I would be very grateful if someone gives me even some hints or simple advice about my problem. i want to make app that actually looks like excel table where user can define how many rows and columns he needs, because not all people needs exact number of rows/columns, and of top of that i need to sum every row separately and every column separately. Statistic is kept at daily basis, and must be transparent, so i should store all those numbers somewhere for possible inspection later, but don't know where (except totals), i don't know where to start with this. Other things like login, choosing dates and etc. are no problem. so i would like to make app that can do this on picture and that can expand table with new rows and columns if necessary. thanks in advance
  8. Just another usefull tool id like to share for WordPress, To start my DigitalDev community of free and paid PHP plugins/scripts i am trying not to download other peoples plugins for quickness, i would much rather build my own tool for whatever function i need and share turn it into a project and share it. WPTimeTracker is just a small tool to track tasks and my time, users in WP can create tasks and clock in/out with timers to record your time and assign it to tasks, so we can see how long we worked on our projects, future features will include a timecaqrd where you can assign multiple tasks(and there time records) to create a complete "overall" project time cart, it will allow you to export PDF of all the tasks and time taken on a given project. You can help me by using (beta testing) the plugin and give me your feedback and future feature suggestions, this would be much appreciated, because i build the tool for myself i often miss out on neat features you might like to see in the applications so please share your ideas.
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