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Hi Everyone So I've been recently working on a script which will store login IP's and ban them on failed attempts Although I have a little problem, for some reason it doesnt redirect to the banned page when they should be, unless there is a successful login or if they come off of the login page so they can keep bruteforcing as much as they like all the time they stay on that page. Have i got something wrong? please bear in mind I haven't put in place when login successful remove the warnings count. here is the login.php <!DOCTYPE html> <?php require ('../Functions/functions.php'); require('../database/pdo_connection.php'); //first lets get the IP that logged in $login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; securityBanCheck($login_ip); if (isset($_POST['Login'])) { //Set session timeout to 2 weeks session_set_cookie_params(1*7*24*60*60); session_start(); $error=''; // Currently A Blank Error Message $username=$_POST['userName']; //Grab the hash $selectPasswordHash = "SELECT username,secret FROM MC_users WHERE email=email=:username OR username=:username"; $hashresult= $pdo->prepare($selectPasswordHash); $hashresult->bindParam(':username', $username); $hashresult->execute(); $row = $hashresult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $hash = $row['secret']; //got the hash //lets verify it if (password_verify($_POST['password'],$hash) === true){ //login correct $login_user = $row['username']; //Set the Session $_SESSION['login_user']=$login_user; // Redirect to dashboard.php header ("Location: ../dashboard.php"); } else { $error = 'Username or Password in invalid'; $error2 = 'Try Logging in with your email instead'; //Bruteforce Detection //lets check if there is already warnings $checkWarnings = "SELECT Warning_count FROM MC_login_security WHERE Warning_count > 0 AND Login_IP=:loginIP ORDER BY Timestamp DESC"; $warningsResult = $pdo->prepare($checkWarnings); $warningsResult->bindParam(':loginIP',$login_ip); $warningsResult->execute(); $warningAmount = 1; $banTime = 0; if ($warningsResult->rowCount() > 0){ $warningRow = $warningsResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $warningRowCount = $warningRow['Warning_count']; $warningAmount = $warningRowCount + 1; securityBanCheck($login_ip); } //Lets log this in the DB $insertWarning = "INSERT INTO MC_login_security (Login_user_name,Login_IP,Warning_count,timestamp) VALUES (:loginUser,:Login_ip,:warningAmount,:dateToday)"; $insertResult = $pdo->prepare($insertWarning); $insertResult->execute(array(':loginUser'=>$username, ':Login_ip'=>$login_ip, ':warningAmount'=>$warningAmount, ':dateToday'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } //Lastly if the user is logged in, point them back to the Dashboard if(isset($_SESSION['login_user'])){ header("location: ../dashboard.php");} ?> the security check function which is called at the start of the login page AND if the password is entered incorrectly function securityBanCheck($login_ip){ //call the url function for redirects url(); $todaysDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); require (PHP_PATH .'/database/pdo_connection.php'); $checkBan = "SELECT Warning_count,Timestamp,Ban_time FROM MC_login_security WHERE Warning_count > 4 AND Login_IP=:loginIP ORDER BY Timestamp DESC"; $checkResult = $pdo->prepare($checkBan); $checkResult->bindParam(':loginIP',$login_ip); $checkResult->execute(); if ($checkResult->rowCount() > 0){ $banRow = $checkResult->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $warningCount = $banRow['Warning_count']; $timeStamp = $banRow['Timestamp']; $bantime = $banRow['Ban_time']; echo "did we get here?"; //if theyre banned direct them to the banned page and stop this script from going any further if ($bantime > $todaysDate){ header('Location: '. SERVER_PATH .'banned.php'); die(); } //if theyre currently not banned check their warnings and if needed add a ban. if ($warningCount == 4){ $bantime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeStamp . '+1 hour')); echo $bantime; }elseif ($warningCount == 9){ $bantime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeStamp . '+1 day')); }elseif ($warningCount == 14){ $bantime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($timeStamp . '+1 month')); } //ultimately if we got to this stage we would be adding a ban $insertBanTime = "UPDATE MC_login_security SET Ban_time = :banTime WHERE Login_IP = :loginIP ORDER BY Timestamp DESC"; $banResult = $pdo->prepare($insertBanTime); $banResult->execute(array(':banTime'=>$bantime, ':loginIP'=>$login_ip));; } } Any help given is greatly appreciated and i thank everyone in advance for all the support I get form this amazing forum. thanks Mooseh