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Found 3 results

  1. Hi there! I need some assistance. I'm a PHP noob and have been given a project to build a php 'calculator' for a client. Basically what needs to happen is the following - I have a table with predefined values, they are all numbers. The user will go to a form and add a number, this number then needs to be compared to the first column of the table after which it then needs to display only that row's values. As the numbers are predefined in the table the number the user enters then also needs to be rounded off to the nearest value found in the table. I've searched the internet and found snippets of code but can't quite understand how to put everything together. I understand how it should work, but just can't get there. I hope this all makes sense. If there is anyone who can help I would appreciate it a lot! Thanks
  2. hi Guys, just for a quick question summary: I want to add new data in my table however, i want to check if my new data name has same name with stored data name in table, if not same name we can proceed to adding new data/post. in my database table: ===================== ID | title | remarks 01 | orange | fruit 02 | mango | fruit addfile.php $newtitle = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $newtitle = htmlentities($newtitle); $sqldbtitle = "SELECT * FROM tblmainfile WHERE strcmp('$newtitle','title') = 0 LIMIT 1; $getdbtitle = mysqli_query($con,$sqldbtitle); newfile.php; <form> <tr> <td>Title:</td> <td><input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $newtitle; ?>"></td> </tr> </form> goal: if i will add orange, it will notify me that there is already orange in table. questions: 1. will strcmp be faster or i will just use mysql query? thanks a lot!
  3. Hello ! I am sure there is more than one smart freak around here that is awesome enough to figure out the solution for my challenge here. So I have a contact form and events on my website that I promote via other people also (affiliates). People come chose event, put name, email, telefon and promotional CODE (actually affiliate code) aff1, aff2 etc. At this point the form sends out an email to me for each registration. How can I make the form send out an email to the affiliate also when a user inserts his affiliate code in the CODE input box ? So one mail comes to me and automaticly one goes to the affiliate. I think at two different solutions - either with database or not. A. database In my database I have one colum with affiliate codes and next one with their email address. The form searches for a match in database for code entered and if finds a match it send a copy of form submission to the email address associated with the affiliate code it found. B. using IF IF input_affcode = 001 then sendmail to aff1@yahoo.com IF input_affcode = 002 then send mail to aff2@gmail.com etc. Now I don't know how to do that in coding Please help me out. For this moment I am using SIMFATIC forms and I would like to have this small function implemented to the code....otherwise it works very well. This is from main code...my thought is to condition the autoresponder to send depending on the code it finds in the input field. $data_email_sender = new FM_FormDataSender(sfm_readfile("./templ/contactus_email_subj.txt"),sfm_readfile("./templ/contactus_email_body.txt"),"%email_f%"); $data_email_sender->AddToAddr("office@universulsacru.ro"); $formmailobj->addModule($data_email_sender); $autoresp = new FM_AutoResponseSender(sfm_readfile("./templ/LP_inregistrare_resp_subj.txt"),sfm_readfile("./templ/LP_inregistrare_resp_body.txt")); $autoresp->SetToVariables("numeprenume_f","email_f"); $formmailobj->addModule($autoresp); All the best to you! Andrei Stefan
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