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  1. So i was looking around and found that the contacts book (address book for Outlook) has the potential to store allot of data, and i mean more then what anyone would properly put in. Here is the list (100 Columns): Full_Name, Title, First_Name, Middle_Name, Surname, Initals, Suffix, Job_Title, Department, Organization, Email, Street_Address, City, State/Province/County, Postal_Code, Country, Telephone, Home_Tel., Fax, Other_Fax, Other_Email, Mobile, Pager, Info, Home_Post_Address, Home_Street_Address, Postal_Address, SMR_Address, Web_Site, Business_Street_2, Business_Street_3, Home_Street_2, Home_Street_3, Home_City, Home_State, Home_Postal_Code, Home_Country, Other_Street, Other_Street_2, Other_Street_3, Other_City, Other_State, Other_Postal_Code, Other_Country, Assistant's_Phone, Business_Fax, Business_Phone_2, Callback, Car_Phone, Company_Main_Phone, Home_Fax, Home_Phone_2, ISDN, Other_Phone, Primary_Phone, Radio_Phone, Telex, Account, Anniversary, Assistant's_Name_, Billing_Information, Birthday, Business_Address_PO_Box, Categories, Children, Company_Yomi, Directory_Server, E-mail_Type, E-mail_Display_Name, E-mail_2_Address, E-mail_2_Type, E-mail_Display_Name, E-mail_3_Address, E-mail_3_Type, E-mail_3_Display_Name, Gender, Government_ID_Number, Hobby, Home_Address_PO_Box, Internet_Free_Busy, Keywords, Language, Location, Manager's_Name, Mileage, Office_Location, Organizational_ID_Number, Other_Address_PO_Box, Prioity, Private, Profession, Referred_By, Sensitivity, Spouse, Surname_Yomi, User_1, User_2, User_3, User_4, Nickname I particularly like: Government_ID_Number (this could be handy) Language (I don't think that most of us would be Multi-Lingal) Mileage (Because i like the car and i want to by it at 300,000 KM) So what would you want to put in your database?
  2. Hey (again :).. This is the code I'm working on but can't figure out to the heck of me how to remove these duplicate "words"/strings... A small sample of the output is added to the upload so you can see what I mean.. HELP! ps: a few comments have been left there for testing. $stmt = $pdo->prepare("select DISTINCT terms from links WHERE terms LIKE ? GROUP BY terms"); $stmt->execute(array("$alpha%")); // fetching rows into array $data = $stmt->fetchAll(); //echo gettype($data); foreach($data as $result_tag) { $one = implode(', ',$result_tag) . ""; $two = strtok($one, ',')."<br>"; //echo gettype($two); //echo strtolower($two); $three = strtolower($two); //print_r($three); $string = implode(" ", array_unique(explode(" ", $three))); //echo gettype($string); echo $string; } exit();
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