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Found 4 results

  1. Hi Does anyone know how I can connect a thermal printer from my Samsung tab to print to the printer? The printer is not a Bluetooth printer. It is connected to the system via a cable. I have checked and it seems the printer does not have an ip address either. Was thinking I could connect via the system ip address when shared. I have tried many android app including printshare and mobiprint rawbt but I wasn't able to connect the printer to the tab. I don't know if I was doing something wrong though. If any has done something like that, please I'd like to know. Thanks
  2. Hi guys, Recently i developed a new social network called www.myexpresspad.com. Please join and give me feedback on how your experience was with it. please also take a few moments to answer the poll which would do a lot of help for me and if you feel it needs improvement please leave a reply of your remarks on the social network. Plus i would also appreciate anyone who gives me tips on marketing it. Regards, Gowri Shanker.D
  3. Hello, I got a web app on a local web server. I got devices connected to the same network through Wi-Fi. each device make a login first so I can store the timestamp of the login in mysql table. devices are doing either - log out or - simply get out of the Wi-Fi zone without log out. in the 2nd case I still want to get the time it happens. What do you suggest to get a more or less accurate time of logout? Thanks in advance for help Chris
  4. I have made a mutual friend system like facebook and it shows all the mutual friends but sometimes it shows it twice because your 2 friends might be friends with one person so it echos the same person twice so i wanna only show the person once and the most repeated should show on the top and the less repeated person should show at bottom!
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