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Found 4 results

  1. I have a page with results from a query that displays that has a link (works fine - passes variables etc) that deletes that line item from a database. It goes to the delete.php and actually executes and removes the item from the database and then has the line header("Location: page.php"); which returns BACK to the page displaying the results. However, it shows the old results until I hit Refresh in the browser. Its like the header is redirecting to a cached version of the page. NOTE: This script used to work fine untouched when we where on a shared hosting account. We JUST updates to VPS hosting by the same host. Now this problem has risen and I can't figure out what is wrong. From what I can guess is there is something in php.ini that is either not set, set or set wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Hello, i just install LAMP server. wrote simple code <?php #error_reporting(E_ALL); #printf "hello"; print "print_keyword."; ?> but in browser, it does not show me an error. i m using linux envionment. plz help. any help would be appriciable.
  3. Hello everybody, I'm using OpenSUSE 13.1 and PHP 5.4.20, which was installed from OpenSUSE's official repository. The problem is that I have no /etc/php.ini, although I have a php.ini in 3 other locations: # find /etc -name php.ini /etc/php5/fastcgi/php.ini /etc/php5/cli/php.ini /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini The page phpinfo.php loads correctly in localhost and it points that php.ini location is /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini . Is this normal or is it mandatory to have a /etc/php.ini file? Do I must copy one of the others php.ini to the /etc directory? If yes, which one of them?
  4. I have inherited ( 8 ) servers on an intranet using various versions of php as main programming language. Most of these are not web servers. I've been tasked to consolidate and standardize on one (1) php.ini configuration file to be used on all ( 8 ) servers Some of these use odd locations for php.ini For example, a Solaris 10 host uses this configuration file: /usr/local/php-5.2.17/lib/php.ini # /usr/bin/php --info | grep -i php\.ini Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/php-5.2.17/lib Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/php-5.2.17/lib/php.ini # php-config | grep -i ini # php-config | grep -i with-config-file-path [ NO compile time options returned ... ] NONE of the user accounts running php have PHPRC set. Current working directory is whatever directory the user is in at execution time One thing that I need to do is get ALL of these servers using /etc/php.ini - even if that is a symbolic link How can I accomplish this standardization of /etc/php.ini? Please, advise. Thank you.
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