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Found 12 results

  1. I'm not hoping to much that I can solve this thing, but maybe someone here who knows php well can help me. Screenshot: http://extrazoom.com/image-70122.html?heuln50x50 File: https://mega.nz/#!uYgWmRTL!5ZyabPKnYWjeG2sL_PXyfFaAKaJiv4zceQGrky7fmPk And yes, I replaced "preg_replace" with "preg_replace_callback" and I ended up here: Screenshot:: http://extrazoom.com/image-70124.html?heuln50x50 Thank you and sorry for my bad english, if it's bad .
  2. Hi there, what I have been trying to do is add some additional logic.. My problem is I want to stop displaying the month and day after the year 2000? I know I need to add an if and else statement but this is my first actual project and I am a little stuck.. here is the page, it's a plugin for a timeline http://www.llandoveryheritage.org/project-timeline/ And the file is attached below.. any help would be appreciated. The plugin code was too long to just post in here, didn't want to cause any slow loading issues for people on a slow connection.. Thanks and I appreciate any help. annual_archive.php
  3. Hello! My name is Razvan and I work as a (front-end) web developer in Bucharest, Romania. I am using the Simple Staff List Word Press plugin on THIS page. I have used the guidance here to sort staff members by full name. I need to order them by last name. For this, even though I am new to PHP, I have written the code below: <?php $name = "Firstname Middlename Lastname"; $name_parts = explode(' ',$name); $no_of_parts = sizeof($name_parts); $last_name_index = $no_of_parts - 1; $last_name = $name_parts[$last_name_index]; $first_names = chop($name,$last_name); $reverse_name = $last_name . ' ' . $first_names; ?> It is made to move the last name at the beginning of the full name, store the result in the $reverse_name, and then sort by $reverse_name. It does move the last name at the beginning of the full name, but I can't do this 2 things: 1) Use the value of the staff member post title as value for the $name variable; 2) Use $reverse_name for sorting. Can anyone give me a hint on what to change in the plugin files to achieve this goal, please? Thank you! Razvan Zamfir
  4. I did not know which section I should publish this topic but I assumed it is PHP related. Any ideas from inspecting the code what kind of plugins this site is using to display the category posts as a gallery at the top? http://www.zillow.com/blog/ Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks,
  5. I am hoping to find someone that can take a look at one of our sites that use Xinha CMS. We have 21 of them in use by our clients and all of a sudden none of them will save changes that have been made on a page. Clients sign in, edit their page, click save changes, and nothing happens. Our hosting service says nothing has changed. They tried a couple of things, but no luck. They have advised us to contact a Xinha developer, but not sure if it is even being developed any longer. ANY help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  6. Hi folks, i'm looking for some advice/help if possible? I'm new to PHP, i've ben given a WordPress site to look after, and one of them is using the wp-navi plugin. When I click on the links for previous posts, the url changes, but it's only displaying the most recent posts from the index page and not older posts I've had a look at the support forum for this plug-in, but they don't seem to be very helpful? I've looked at people who have had similar problems, and it seems to be that I need to change the function calls for previous and next, which i've done, but yet the older posts don't seem to show up. I'm no programmer/coder and I really want to learn how to do this, as I think i'm going to need to start using more PHP, but i've looked at all the code via the WordPress editor and everything seems to be okay according to the instructions to get the plugin working, i'm unsure if i've maybe missed something somewhere? Any help would be gratefully appreciated! Thank you, Mary!
  7. Hi, I am a complete newbie when comes to coding. I'd appreciate very much the help. There's this WordPress plugin where you cloak your links (the plugin here --> http://bit.ly/13AYpUF). It redirects the link using this model: websitename.com/go/username I want the name in the link instead of "go" to be "list" -- like this : websitename.com/list/username (p.s. instead of the name "list" I may choose a different one.) I tried myself to replace within the code the name "go" with "list", but after doing this, when clicking the link it showed a 404 error page. Thank you VERY much!
  8. Hi, I want to scrolling down all posts in homepage. I have installed this plugin http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/infinite-scroll/. But i could't configure the CSS settings in the infinite-scroll setting for my theme. Here is my site http://www.adventureseeker.org/ Need help. Thanks in advance. Regards.
  9. Hello freaks im new here and me and a bud of mine are trying to make a plugin for his site, im not going to post the link because im not sure if ill get in trouble for advertising, but what we are trying to do is.. Make a section of his website able to play games (Swf's) Through a proxy system called glype and what we want is like youtube kinda. if you run youtube through a proxy, it will allow youtube videos to play through a different player called (FLV Player) And what we are trying to do is link games from the website to allow it to play in a seperate player while at school. because school blocks the armoredgames.com so we need to find a way to play it through a proxy. any help? thanks guys
  10. Hello I have been using the wordpress plugin wp-Customer Reviews (http://wordpress.org...stomer-reviews/) and would like the try extending the capability of the plugin by adding an image upload function. The only problem is that I am not sure where to start? I have managed to add an upload button and field the to html form, but am not sure how to move on from there. If anyone can make any suggestions for me that would be a great help. Thanks garteth69
  11. Alright so at my site (http://independentrepublicofursum.tk/) The facebook social plugin is in the "sidebar" on every page, I don't like how my twitter link loads, then the plugin spawns and pushes it down. I tried to put a div around the plugin with a set height and width so that it would no something is there before the plugin loaded, but no cigar. Help please!
  12. Good afternoon all, Thank for taken the time to view my issues, Even if you can't help at least you took a look at my issues and that shows you care just as much as those who can help. The script was bought for code canyon. BSI Car Rental booking system. I have tried for 2 weeks to have the plugin creator fix the issues, But very poor support from http://www.bestsoftinc.com/ Known issues. Template Layout integration (fix myself) Booking system locks up at confirmation page. (unknown issue does this one in 3 times.) Booking system not emailing confirmation to client or to admin. (system is suppose to do this at confirmation page.) Poor confirmation page design and/or layout. (fix or addon issue) The admin area has a confirmation page with print page button which I would love for client side also. Front page widget ( fix or addon) the plugin does not redirect to booking page on submit on front page which breaks layout design and just causes mess. The site is found here. for testing purposes use by phone as payment. http://simplecarrentals.co.nz/home/ If you understand my issues. please let me know and we can work together to create a usable booking system for my client and a sell-able upgrade for the BSI booking system wp plugin. Thanks for your time. JC
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