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  1. Hello everybody, I am honestly quite a newb when it comes to mod_rewrite. We run a small social media page with different areas and I would like to change the URLs to something more clean and professional. User profiles look like this: http://www.sky-mp3.com/index.php?action=cm&siteid=59&wahl=artists&tat=details&keyid=477 siteid 59 is the artists list and the keyid at the end is the ID of the artist but should be like: http://www.sky-mp3.com/mischura or in worse case like: http://www.sky-mp3.com/user/mischura CMS pages look like this: http://www.sky-mp3.com/index.php?siteid=106 but should be like: http://www.sky-mp3.com/charts (page name instead of siteid) What I know so far: - I have to add something to the .htaccess file - I need to change something in the code (but I don`t know where) Im good he? What would be the first step on the path to clean URLs for me? I found alot of infos here and there but found nothing yet for this specific case. Kind regards from and thx in advance from Cologne
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