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user systems


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I know how to store (using mysql) and handel the basic stuff like emails, passwords, usernames etc but where do I start with implementing more dynamic stuff eg:


-Which groups a user is a member of

-Users access rights for each section (eg can they see the section, are they allowed to post there, do they have moderator rights there etc)

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when you want to do things like this your best bet is to add another field and another table


the new field would reference the table by a unique_id


the new table references the level of access or whatever you want to define,


this is a poor explanation, though I can't think of any examples off the top of my head,


the way I learned was to open up a simple open source program that has a similar function to what you want to do and then work backwards,


figure out how they did it, and in the process gain understanding,


if you have a specific example you'd like help with it will be easier to offer an explanation,


most of it comes down to smart code,


if (user.level >= group.minlevel) {

do code

} else {

  echo 'you do not have access to do this';



though you can do much of that in mySQL which is optimized for that sort of thing, for getting started you can work with any specific idea and figure out how to get it to work once, doesn't matter how sloppy the code is,


then work on ways to make it cleaner, and leaner


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