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Php/MySql reading last IDs


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Okay, so I am making a script for an emulated gaming server which uses a standard MySQL server for all it's data.  Now this is a mailer system and this is going to create and send items.


What it does:

1. Gathers a comprehensive list of everyone in the game it's going to send to (DONE)

2. Inserts a new item into the database (DONE)

3. Inserts a record into the mail table with the item ID added in step 2 and the UserID from step 1 (Partially Done)


Now all the coding is done except for ONE thing on step 3


The ID field in the mail table for step 3 is not auto_increment and the structure cannot be changed, what I need it to do is pull the absolutely last (biggest) ID number in the mail table and increase it by one and if no records exist make the ID 0




<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Dynasty Mailer</title>

$Host = "localhost";
$User = "xxxxxx";
$Password = "xxxxxx";
$conn = mysql_connect('localhost', $User, $Password);
$CharacterDB = "fun_characters";
$ItemID = "100101";
$Subject = "A Gift From Dynasty!";
$Body = "This is the message sent for the user.";

$CharacterQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM characters");
while($Characters = mysql_fetch_assoc($CharacterQuery)) {
// Create Item
$Insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO playeritems (ownerguid, entry, randomsuffix, enchantments) VALUES('0', '$ItemID', '', '')");
$Item = mysql_insert_id();

// Mail Item
if(!$message_id) {
$MailCount = mysql_query("SELECT message_id FROM mailbox ORDER BY message_id desc");
if(mysql_num_rows($MailCount) == 0) {
} else {
$MailCount = mysql_fetch_assoc($MailCount);
echo("<center><strong>Item: $ItemID mailed to $guid.</strong></center>");
$message_id = $message_id+1;
} else {
echo("<center><strong>Item: $ItemID mailed to $guid.</strong></center>");

$Mail = mysql_query("INSERT INTO mailbox (message_id, player_guid, sender_guid, subject, body, attached_item_guids) VALUES ('$message_id', '$guid', '1', '$Subject', '$Body', '$Item')") or die(mysql_error()) ;

} // End of Characters




Okay right now under the Mail Item comment I have no idea where I was going with this, everything else is fine just getting $message_id from what is currently in the database "message_id" is the column in which the ID is put


$guid = User ID

$Item = Item ID

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A) the mysql query you gave was exactly the same as mine and didn't add anything.

B) your code didn't provide the full solution to his question.[/Quote]

A) I added a mysql_fetch_array... this allows you to fetch the value in one variable.

B) It does provide the full solution because I showed how to display the id.

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I added a mysql_fetch_array... this allows you to fetch the value in one variable.


I think you need to look at mysql_result


It does provide the full solution because I showed how to display the id.


Look at his original question:


what I need it to do is pull the absolutely last (biggest) ID number in the mail table and increase it by one and if no records exist make the ID 0


I think you will find that the code I gave does all of the above.

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