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[SOLVED] Returning recent database changes


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Hi all,


Is there a function that will return the details of the last database modification that was done?


Basically I have users classified based on various attributes stored against them. If a user updates their details, I need to be able to run a script which checks what was updated and then re-classifies the user.





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I feel like someone asked this before and we came to the conclusion no. I may be wrong. I couldn't find anything in the search.


Maybe you can put a text file on the server and update it every time a query is run. That may be a lot of changes to make, but you'll get the information that you need.

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Awesome, I love it when I have to find a way around seemingly impossible things when I'm working to a deadline.  ::)


I'll try and figure something out, but if any of you come up with any brilliant ideas then please post!





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Probably the only way is to create another table and insert some data based on what the user has done. So if they updated their profile you can insert into the new table things like


username, table_updated, fields_update, date_updated


Then you can just query the one table to get back your results. not sure how detailed you want it to be.



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