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Why does the download via ftp interrupts?


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Hi all,


I'm using a script for downloading files from a specific folder (online) to the local pc/laptop. 2nd is that while downloading I'm checking the file local with if(!file_exists) to avoid overwriting. the issue is that the download is always incomplete.


(using php 5.x on a local pc that connects to the internet via ftp)


$remote_file = "";
$local_file = "";

$conn_id = ftp_connect($SVAR['remoteserver']); // might be www.mydomainname.com

// I thouhgt that the timeout would be the reason for the incomplete download but it's not.
# ftp_set_option($conn_id, FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC, 1800);

// Login
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id, $SVAR['serverftpuser'], $SVAR['serverftppass']); // myusername, myuserpass

if ((!$conn_id))
echo "could not connect to server.";

ftp_pasv($conn_id, true);

ftp_chdir($conn_id, $SVAR['rem_imgtn']); // remote image directory

// content of the current directory
$contents = ftp_nlist($conn_id, ".");
if(count($contents) == 0)
echo "directory on ftp server is empty.";
foreach($contents as $filename) // SVAR['loc_imgtn'] <- local file path
	if(!file_exists($SVAR['loc_imgtn'] ."/" .$filename)) // don't download the file if we've got it already!
		$remote_file = $filename;
		$local_file = $SVAR['loc_imgtn'] ."/" .$filename;

		// well, it didn't work with the 'handle' and 'ftp_fget'(...)
		#$handle = fopen($local_file, 'w');

		ftp_get($conn_id, $local_file, $remote_file, FTP_BINARY);



// close FTP 


So, sometimes it downloads 10 of 17 files, and sometimes 12 of 17 files... I looked for other solutions providing download from ftp and comparing files and actually I thought that the snippet I've written can handle that job.


EDIT: Could it be that the file name is too long? what's the max. char for naming a file? is "020408158077uzhzee_22832ca87u88_gtfrggtz_hhgt_9i8u765_RX20897z.jpg" too long? I don't think because ftp-tools can download those easily.


Thank you so much for any idea or suggestions.



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