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Creating A Page Using A Form


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I know how to create a form, I know how to collect the inputted data and insert it into the MySQL DB, I also know how to publish the data as soon as the form is submitted - but only on existing pages.

I want it so once the form is submitted, a templated page will be created with the data. Each time I input more dta in the form, another page is created.


I don't expect any of you to help me out by supplying me code, I won't learn that way.

I would like to know the topics which I should learn to know how to do this .. of course, code will be great.


Thanks in advanced.

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U could use php's file handling functions (fopen(), fread(), fwrite()) to generate pages on fly, but i dont think this is a great method. Having url's like index.php?id=xx has the same results. U have index.php a template and the id or any other parameters define what information the template will contain. In this way u have everything in control and dont end up with tens or thousands of pages, u just have one (index.php). Anyway u could explain better what u want to achieve.

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I use this structure all the time



<div id="main">
<div id="site_content">

include 'header.php'; 
include 'navigation.php'; 
include "pages/$page.php";  // DIFFERENT PAGES
include 'footer.php'; 


<ul id='menu'>
        <li><a href='?page=home'>Home</a></li>
        <li><a href='?page=schedule'>Schedule</a></li>
        <li><a href='?page=pricing'>Pricing</a></li>
        <li><a href='?page=about'>About Us</a></li>
        <li><a href='?page=gallery&loc=gallery'>Gallery</a></li>
        <li><a href='?page=contact'>Contact Us</a></li>

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Anyway u could explain better what u want to achieve.


Ok, I have the index.php page.

I have .. let's say, admin.php which contains a form which will collect information (title, news, image) and insert it into a MySQL DB. At the press of the submit button, a page is created. A News Template Page where the image, title and news changes everytime a new news item is added. (So 5 Pages will have 5 different items).

Of course, on the index.php page a link will be created linking to the new news item.

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