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ok so im working through 'learning php 5' by o'reilly, so if you have it this will probably help, chapter 7 exercise 1. I have to connect to my database using peardb, I am doing this live on the web, just for easy's sake because i work on several different computers. My free hosting service help ticket system keeps giving me the run around on how to fix this so I would like your help.


the hosting service uses cpanel so in additon to your username that you create for your database you need to have your cpanel id in there to, making the username look like this a2378756_username, same thing for the database. also the faqs say to use localhost as the DSN


here are some relevant faqs from the hosting service in case there is anything you think I am doing wrong

http://www.000webhost.com/?page=faq&ID=20  ---about using localhost

http://www.000webhost.com/?page=faq&ID=46  ---about using cpanel id


also I have created the necessary table and values of said table using PHPmyadmin so i know they are there


lastly I have changed the logins and passwords to protect myself but they are correct for sure in the script


so here it is



require '../../php/DB.php';

$db = DB::connect('mysql://a1234567_username:password@localhost/a1234567_servername');

if (DB::isError($db)) {

die("Can't connect: " . $db->getMessage());






$dishes = $db->getALL ('SELECT dish_name, price FROM dishes ORDER BY price');

if ( count($dishes) > 0){

print "<ul>";

foreach($dishes as $dish){

print "<li>$dish[dish_name], $dish[price]</li>";


print "</ul>";

} else {

print "No data to display";






so the problem is that this prints nothing, no ul not error no nothing so I dont know what its doing





Comment out the whole thing with the dishes (after the connection) and do this:


$selectnow = $db->getALL("SELECT NOW() as now");
if (!$selectnow) {
  echo "Something's wrong";
else {
  echo $selectnow['now'];



See if that returns anything.  I think the problem is with your query.  Oh, and by the way, don't do if (count($dishes)), do if is_array($dishes). =)


this prints nothing also, about the if(count), just copied that from the book, but will do


Do this right after the DB::Connect line.

if (PEAR::isError($db)) {


Tell me if that kills the script with an error message.  Your DSN might be incorrect if that's the case. :D


Do this right after the DB::Connect line.

if (PEAR::isError($db)) {


Tell me if that kills the script with an error message.  Your DSN might be incorrect if that's the case. :D


this still prints nothing at all

that works just fine, prints "Testing output."


You know the DB::isError($db) line that you have with that if statement?  Try putting that AFTER you set the error handler for the PEAR classes.  That could be why you get no error.  Try that and tell me what it does then.

still nothing


my book says to use the DB::isError($db) line after the connection request because peardb cant automatically set up automatic error handling which is what the $db->setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_DIE); line does, after the connection is set up you can set the automatic error handling but you cant do it as the connection is set up





Can I ask, how do you connect to your server, what pear module do you use (if you use one), what does your coding look like, do you think i could adapt it to my system?

If you can't get the PEAR to work for whatever reason, I'd just use the MySQL specific functions.  Do you see yourself changing databases or releasing your code for others using other DBs to use? =/  I doubt it, so you can use the MySQL functions.  I can help if you don't know how to use those.

i think it can get them from the web, w3schools to be specific, i just wonder why my book had me go through all teh pear stuff, it didnt even mention that php is capable of connecting to mysql by itself, though i was sure it was

Just a big tip:

The PHP manual is your friend.  To check any function's syntax, go to http://www.php.net/FUNCTION_NAME and it'll give you the function's page. 


I can teach you how to use the MySQL functions if you want rather than teaching yourself.  Just tell me if you need help, lol.

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