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PHP session trouble


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I am having trouble keeping a session variable, I have a login script that when authenticated sets


$_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;
$_SESSION['password'] = $password;


I am using “php_value session.auto_start” set in my htaccess.dist file to automatically start my session for every page.


The problem is that the session value is not held if I navigate to another page $_SESSION['uid'] is empty.


Any suggestions why? Is this something to do with “php_value session.auto_start”?


Any help or suggestions of how to debut this problem would be much appreciated, my application goes live at the end of the week and I don’t think my users will appreciate having to type there username and password on every page.


PS. I am using AJAX to call my authentication script, if that makes a difference.


Thanks in advance,



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I am having trouble keeping a session variable, I have a login script that when authenticated sets


$_SESSION['uid'] = $uid;
$_SESSION['password'] = $password;


I am using “php_value session.auto_start” set in my htaccess.dist file to automatically start my session for every page.


The problem is that the session value is not held if I navigate to another page $_SESSION['uid'] is empty.


Any suggestions why? Is this something to do with “php_value session.auto_start”?


Any help or suggestions of how to debut this problem would be much appreciated, my application goes live at the end of the week and I don’t think my users will appreciate having to type there username and password on every page.


PS. I am using AJAX to call my authentication script, if that makes a difference.


Thanks in advance,




Turn off the auto_start on sessions and just start the sessions yourself.  Auto-starting them creates unnecessary overhead on pages that don't require sessions.  And on the other page, the one that has no session vars, do this:

print_r ($_SESSION);


And tell us the output.

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Ok the problem seems to be with “php_value session.auto_start” if I use session_start(); instead it seems to work, however I get a warning,


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /var/www/duguljambula/index.php:1) in /var/www/duguljambula/index.php on line 2


I can hide this warning with @session_start() and everything works.


I don’t understand what is causing this warning and it may cause problems down the road.


session_start(); is the first thing called in my script, before headers are sent.



  	require_once(_ABSPATH . 'content/layout/header.php');

$PAGE = $_INPUT[2];
	$PAGE = 'index';

if(file_exists(_ABSPATH . 'content/pages/'. $PAGE . '.php')){
	include_once(_ABSPATH . 'content/pages/'. $PAGE . '.php');
	include_once(_ABSPATH . 'content/error/404.htm');

require_once(_ABSPATH . 'content/layout/footer.php');



I am using RewriteEngine to pass every script via the index page. Eg, “www.mysite.com/map” will call index.php with the page variable ‘map’ however I still get the same warning if I call the script directly .eg, www.mysite.com/index.php?page=map


Any thoughts or suggestions?


Yes, the AJAX may be causing the trouble.


There was another guy that was having trouble setting a cookie from a PHP script that was called by AJAX. Have you tried accessing this script from a regular webbrowser instead of AJAX?


It doesn’t seem to make any difference it I authenticate using AJAX or just in the index script. Thanks for the suggestion.



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