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Login Script


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OK. So I am trying to figure out the best way to go about adding a login script to my site. I want a login script that allows me different levels of access. I took the famous sde Login & Session example and kind of changed it around to add such levels of access, as shown below. But I'm now kind of concerned about security. As a result I found this script: http://www.roscripts.com/PHP_login_script-143.html and while it does have a admin vs. member feature from what I gather it doesn't have the flexibility that something like below does. So really, what do I do? What options do I have?


This brings me about to my final question. If I'm using an SSL Certificate on my website and use the following script below will that suffice?


Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



// connect to database

// include auth and nav


$rn=("SELECT Status FROM users WHERE
username='" . $_SESSION['username']."'");


echo ("<br>Have a great day! <a href='logout.php'>Close</a>");

Salt Lake City - Explosive Division


Welcome to the. Here you will find a list of current personnel, a calendar, current inventory (minus powder at this time), and Direct Billed Hotels. If you have any suggestions please let us know <a href="mailto:">here</a> and when you are ready to navigate click your right mouse button. Oh, always remember to JUST BLAST IT!



Salt Lake City 


Welcome to the Salt Lake City= Here you will find a list of current personnel, a calendar, current inventory (minus powder at this time), and Direct Billed Hotels. If you have any suggestions please let us know <a href="mailto:">here</a> and when you are ready to navigate click your right mouse button. Oh, always remember to JUST BLAST IT!<p>

<center><font color=orange><h2>////////////////////////////// WARNING: G14 CLASSIFIED. ADMINISTRATOR ACCESS ONLY! \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\</font></h2></center>

Pending Registrations:<p>
$q1= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Status='0'";
$q1rz=mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error());

while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($q1rz)){

<form action="updateregistration.php" method="post">
<table border="0">
<tr><td>First Name:</td><td>
<input type="text" name="First" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row1['First']; ?>">
<tr><td>Middle Initial:</td><td>
<input type="text" name="MI" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row1['MI']; ?>">
<tr><td>Last Name:</td><td>
<input type="text" name="Last" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row1['Last']; ?>">
<input type="text" name="Email" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row1['Email']; ?>">
<tr><td>Home Phone:</td><td>
<input type="text" name="Phone" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row1['Phone']; ?>">
<tr><td>Cell Phone:</td><td>
<input type="text" name="CellPhone" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row1['CellPhone']; ?>">
<input type="text" name="username" maxlength="200" value="<? echo $row1['username']; ?>">
<select name="Status" size="1">
<option value="0">Pending/Suspended</option>
<option value="1">User</option>
<option value="2">Administrator</option>
<option value="187">Delete Account!</option>
<tr><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Approve!"><input type="hidden" name="ID" maxlength="10" value="<? echo $row1['ID']; ?>"></th></tr>


<p>Current Users:<p>
$q2= "SELECT * FROM users WHERE Status>'0'";
$q2rz=mysql_query($q2) or die(mysql_error());

while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($q2rz)){

<form action="updateregistration.php" method="post">
<table border="0">
<tr><td><? echo $row2['First']; ?><input type="hidden" name="First" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row2['First']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="MI" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row2['MI']; ?>">
<? echo $row2['Last']; ?>'s<input type="hidden" name="Last" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row2['Last']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="Email" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row2['Email']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="Phone" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row2['Phone']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="CellPhone" maxlength="60" value="<? echo $row2['CellPhone']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="username" maxlength="200" value="<? echo $row2['username']; ?>">
<select name="Status" size="1">
<option value="<? echo $row2['Status']; ?>"><? if($row2['Status']=="0"){
echo ("Pending/Suspended");}elseif($row2['Status']=="1"){ echo ("User");}else{ echo ("Administrator");} ?></option>
<option value="0">Pending/Suspended</option>
<option value="1">User</option>
<option value="2">Administrator</option>
<option value="187">Delete Account!</option>
<td><th colspan=2><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Update"><input type="hidden" name="ID" maxlength="10" value="<? echo $row2['ID']; ?>"></th></tr>




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