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[SOLVED] If Statement


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Im sorry but ive searched and could not find, i know this will be easy for most people but im new and trying my best to understand.


My simple need is:-


I want to be able to show some text "some example text" on my website only if the feature from table pp_goods is = to Y.


I have a table called pp_goods in side that table, if i browse i have ID, goodsname, Feature etc

in feature it stores only Y or N


Please help me on my way...



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This isn't an "if statement" problem. We don't write whole scripts for you.


Here's some pseudo-code to get you started:


-Connect to DB server

-Select database

-Query db: Select row from pp_goods

-If pp_goods.feature == "y"

--Then echo "some example text"

--Else nothing

-Disconnect from DB server

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$id = an id number goes here

require 'dbconf.php'; <---- Your Database Configuration File

$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pp_goods "." WHERE ID='$id'");

if (features != yes) {
echo "some example text"


maybe :P


sorry, everyone helps me all the time, just figured I would attempt to be of some help in return, and this looks like something I could get right :P

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It does not work intodesi


maybe ive asked wrong..


1st of all the database is already open, i have a script which is actually showing properties, i used pp_goods and features as an example.. so will give the correct tables then it might make things a little easier, sorry i should have just done that in the first place.


I have a website and it shows rentals and sales... the script was bought.

however i need it to display some text "Long term rentals available" when showing a rental...

In the database i have a table called pm_properties below is what is in the config.php

$property_table          = "pm_properties";


If i go into phpmyadmin i have a table called pm_properties in that table i have a field called propertyoption which holds either R or S depending on sale or rental.


I would like:- If propertyoption = R then put "Long term rentals available" on the screen.


Sorry for been so confusing....

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