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Upload then download problem ... file bloked?


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Hey guys. I am currently making an mp3 shop for a cd distributor and i am having a problem with the mp3 upload and manipulation.


When i try to download the mp3 after uploading it to $upload_dir.$file_name i get a (Can't open /www/admin/site/realmp3/60sec.mp3: Permission denied)

message in my FTP ... and i get a 0 sized file that failes to open. When i check in my FTP i can see the good normal size. It's like apache was bloking me to touch that file ...


if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['mp3_'.$i]['tmp_name'],$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/admin/site/".$upload_dir.$file_name)){[...]

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Yeah thats what i tryed let me post ya the code


if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['mp3_'.$i]['tmp_name'],$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/admin/site/".$upload_dir.$file_name)){

chmod($upload_dir.$file_name, 755);   
$mp3 = new mp3($upload_demo_dir.$filename);
$mp3_1 = $mp3->extract(0,30);
$newname=rand("100000", "999999");

$insert=mysql_query("INSERT INTO `distadp_adpsite`.`artiste_mp3` (id, nom_mp3, nom_demo, num_albume)VALUES (NULL , '".$_FILES['mp3_'.$i][name]."', '$newname.mp3', '$_GET[id]')");

echo "MP3 numéro $i uploadé!.<br>";

echo "Il ya eu une éreure inconnu dans le transfère du fichier du mp3 num $i<br>";


The chmod($upload_dir.$file_name, 755); did not solve the problem ... it looks like if i was not the unix owner of the file ... Last time i saw something like that it was with a joomla installation ...

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