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I am trying to upate existing records using a form.


i have written this query


$query = "UPDATE order_enquiries  SET title='$title', first_name='$first_name', surname='$surname', company_name='$company_name', company_fax='$company_fax', company_telephone_number='$company_telephone_number', address_1='$address_1', address_2='$address_2', address_3='$address_3', town=$town, county='$county', postcode='$postcode', free_sample='$free_sample', WHERE id=$id";



It doesnt seem to update, can anyone take a look at the code above and tell if i have done it wrong?


kind regards


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Hello, after looking at the query i've noticed a few things but correcting these hasn't made any improvements.


Could you go over script and tell me what i have done wrong;

$errors .= (empty($post_code)) ? "<span class=\"emptyFields\">postcode</span>" : "";
$errors .= (empty($company_name)) ? "<span class=\"emptyFields\">company name</span>" : "";
$errors .= (empty($company_telephone_number)) ? "<span class=\"emptyFields\">telepone number</span>" : "";
$errors .= (empty($company_email)) ? "<span class=\"emptyFields\">email</span>" : "";
//need to add country, product and state
if (!$errors)
$title = addslashes($title);
$first_name = addslashes($first_name);
$surname = addslashes($surname);
$position= addslashes($position);
$company_name = addslashes($company_name);
$company_email = addslashes($company_email);
$company_fax = addslashes($company_fax);
$company_telephone_number= addslashes($company_telephone_number);
$address_1= addslashes($address_1);
$address_2= addslashes($address_2);
$address_3= addslashes($address_3);
$town= addslashes($town);
$county= addslashes($county);
$post_code= addslashes($post_code);
$free_sample= addslashes($free_sample);
if ( (isset($_GET['ID'])) && (is_numeric($_GET['ID'])) ) { //correctly accessed 
} else { 
$errors[] = 'You have accessed this page incorrectly.'; 
$query = "UPDATE order_enquiries  SET title='$title', first_name='$first_name', surname='$surname', position='$position', company_name='$company_name', company_email='$company_email',company_fax='$company_fax', company_telephone_number='$company_telephone_number', address_1='$address_1', address_2='$address_2', address_3='$address_3', town='$town', county='$county', post_code='$post_code', free_sample='$free_sample', WHERE id=$id";
$return = mysql_query($query);
echo "File $id has been updated from the database";


kind regards


Hi there,


I've done that and still its not updating.


would the problem be the "id" as when i update the form what should echo is


"file 1($id) has been updated" but what is displayed is "file has been updated".


I'll look more into this.


kind regards


@mjdamato I've done what you suggested and when i update, the page displays a blank. i then check to see if the record has been updated, but it hasnt...hmmm


@cleanstatache i dont think the id is being passed, that could be the problem



....i'll work on it and see how i get on cheers for your help guys

Could be issues with input


None of your variables are being escaped.




should look like: (at least)

$address_1 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['address_1']);


you should also think about getting rid of unwanted html or evil js using something like a combo of strip_tags and htmlentities...ie

$address_1 = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['address_1'])));


unless you actually want to allow users to post html, then you still have to look into some sort of filter, such as kses (kses kills evil scripts...ask google)


Also, when your expecting numbers only from certain input such as hidden id fields, you can validate them easily by typecasting:

$id = (int)$_POST['id'];


that will change any sort of input to a number. 12 will remain 12. the string '12andabunchofcrap' will end up 12, but 'bunchofcrap12' will end up 0


I do something like:

$id = (int)$_POST['id'];

if ($id > 1) {

  //data's good, save it

} else {

  //user's doing something weird, tell em to go sit on their thumb and log what you can ;)


good call Darkwater...that way you can at least see if their are escaping issues there. You'll make your life a lot easier using an ide and watching the values of your variables change step by step.


Don't know if there's anything gpl'd out there yet with decent debugging facilities, but zend studio (eclipse or otherwise) has fantastic debugging support for php. please post if anyone knows any open source tools that will do something similar.

Hi guys,


after echoing the query, it looks like the id isn't being passed, so it fails to update the record


UPDATE order_enquiries SET `title`='Mr', `first_name`='test', `surname`='test', `position`='test', `company_name`='test', `company_email`='test@test.co.uk', `company_fax`='0845', `company_telephone_number`='0845', `address_1`='test', `address_2`='test', `address_3`='', `town`='test', `county`='test', `post_code`='test', `free_sample`='test' WHERE id='' LIMIT 1


kind regards


As i said in my previous post, the failure of the id variable being passed did not allow the upload to take place.


So after realising that, in the form part i wrote this;


<form method="post" action="update.php?ID=<?php echo $id; ?>">



This allowed the id variable to be passed, or the update.php to retrieve the id number to perform the correct insert.


Thanks for all your help guys.

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