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[SOLVED] application processing - form help


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Hello all,

I am currently working on a project that is a member backend for a club, but the application needs rework to fit the process.

I need the form to require certain information, and have certain fields filled in a certain way.


The current fields I have are:

Name, Email, Gender, Region, HomeTel, Age, xfire, NicName, Info1, Info2, About1, About2, About3, Sponsor


And the following I am having problems with:


Name, Email, Gender, HomeTel, Age, xfire, NicName



Email as a proper email or die, HomeTel as only numeric and 10 digits


I would like this to be able to be done in a php file that then sends the final data to a processing file that adds the data to the sql table.  If the required information is not entered properly I want the script to die before it can even think about going to the database.


Any help is appreciated!






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This is a simple procedure on validating post input and inseting them to the database. A simple example for the name and email fields:


if(isset($_POST['name'])){ //check at least one field to see if the form has been submitted
   $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
   $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
   if($name != '' and $email != ''){ //check if posted data are not empty
       if(strstr($email, '@') and strstr($email, '.')){ //just a simple check on the email, but regex should be used for better results
            $results = mysql_query("INSERT INTO myTable (name, email) VALUES ('$name', '$email')");
       } else{
             echo 'Email is invalid.';
   } else{
       echo 'Fields cant be empty.';

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This is a simple procedure on validating post input and inseting them to the database. A simple example for the name and email fields:


if(isset($_POST['name'])){ //check at least one field to see if the form has been submitted
   $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
   $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
   if($name != '' and $email != ''){ //check if posted data are not empty
       if(strstr($email, '@') and strstr($email, '.')){ //just a simple check on the email, but regex should be used for better results
            $results = mysql_query("INSERT INTO myTable (name, email) VALUES ('$name', '$email')");
       } else{
             echo 'Email is invalid.';
   } else{
       echo 'Fields cant be empty.';


I have a full MySQL injection already, but thanks for the help on the name and email.  Now all I need is how to check if HomeTel is numeric and 10 chars long and the script will mostly be done with a little more tweaking.

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$hometel = $_POST['hometel'];
if(strlen($hometel) == 10 and is_numeric($hometel){
     //do some code
} else{
     echo 'Home phone is invalid.';


Ull just need to enter that if() in your other validation if()s.

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Problem, again.  I am submitting the form with nothing in it, but it is still processing.  Any ideas why?


Code for this part of the processing:

/* The following is to take the data entered by the applicant and set it into values that can be sent to MySQL. */
/* Application - Personal Data */
if(isset($_POST['Name'])){ //check at least one field to see if the form has been submitted
   $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Name']);
   $email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['Name']);
   $hometel = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['HomeTel']);
   if($name != '' and $email != ''){ //check if posted data are not empty
       if(strstr($email, '@') and strstr($email, '.')){ //just a simple check on the email, but regex should be used for better results
		if((strlen($hometel) == 10) and (is_numeric($hometel))){
			/*Application Acknowledgements */
			if(($_POST['Agree1'] == Yes) and ($_POST['Agree2'] == Yes) and ($_POST['Agree3'] == Yes)){
				/* Application - Game Data */
				/* Application - About You */
				/* Application Sponsor */
				echo '<b><i><font size=+1>You have not acknowledged all that is required, please go back and correct this.</font></i></u><br><br><a href=".../enlist.php">Go Back</a>';
				$fail = 1;
		} else{
			echo 'Home phone is invalid.';
			$fail = 1;
       } else{
             echo 'Email is invalid.';
		 $fail = 1;
   } else{
       echo 'Fields cant be empty.';
   $fail = 1;
if($fail = 1){
	echo 'There was an error, please go back and fix it.';
	$AllInfoEntered = 1;
}elseif($AllInfoEntered = 1){
/* Processing code goes here */

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