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Hello, I pretty much got the part of how to do file.php?content=Whatever. The way I have my site set up is I have one div where all the content is shown. So something like this:


<div id="header">
<div id="content">
$_GET['conent'] etc......


That works perfectly. Now what I'm trying to do is on another page I have something like a Guide. Where the guides content is shown inside another div that's already inside the content div shown above. Did that make sense? oO Here's what I'm talking about:



<div id="header">
<div id="content">
$_GET['conent'] etc......
       <div id="guide">
              Links here
       <div id="guidecontent">


Hope that makes sense. Now the way I have my links on under where it says "id=guides" is index.php?content=PHP&links=Intro". But I know that is wrong. Is there any way to do the way I'm showing? Here's a link to the page:




As you see, if you click on the right links, you will get errors saying not found. Here's how I laid out the code for the php:


     $guide = $_GET['guide'];
     if(!$guide) {
     include "guides/php/intro.php";
     else if($guide=='Install')		{ include "guides/php/install.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Syntax')		{ include "guides/php/syntax.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Variables')	{ include "guides/php/variables.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Date')		{ include "guides/php/date.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Include')		{ include "guides/php/include.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Cookies')		{ include "guides/php/cookies.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Sessions')	{ include "guides/php/sessions.php"; }
     else if($guide=='DB_Intro')	{ include "guides/php/db_intro.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Connet')		{ include "guides/php/connect.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Create')		{ include "guides/php/create.php"; }
     else if($guide=='Insert')		{ include "guides/php/insert.php"; }
     else				{ echo "404 Page Not Found!"; }


I was thining of making $guide = $_GET['guide']; to something like $_GET['&guide']; but that sounds wrong too.


Hope I made sense. Thank You  :)

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I'd do this:

    $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/guides/php/';

        case 'Install':
        case 'Syntax':
        case 'Variables':
        case 'Date':
        case 'Include':
        case 'Cookies':
        case 'Sessions':
        case 'DB_Intro':
        case 'Insert':
                $path .= strtolower($_GET['guide']) . '.php';

            $path .= 'intro.php';

    include $path;

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"$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/guides/php/';"




is just telling the script basicly to find the root folder of the site, the main folder that www.whatever.com goes to, then it tells it to append guides/php/ to the end of that so it becomes www.whatever.com/guides/php/ that way later in your scripting you can just call the file itself with the use of that predefined variable with the doc root..


I could be wrong though that may also be just getting something like /htdocs/www/mysite/ and telling it to add the trailing guides/php/ part of it.. all in all its just to help make things a bit more dynamic, and easier on you in the end :-)

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$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] returns the full file path to your websites document root (where you upload your html/php files to etc). if you echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] it'll display your websites document root path, example path would be something like /home/yourite.com/public_html/


strtolower() converts the string defined in $_GET['guide'] to lowercase characters.

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I'd do this:

    $path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/guides/php/';

        case 'Install':
        case 'Syntax':
        case 'Variables':
        case 'Date':
        case 'Include':
        case 'Cookies':
        case 'Sessions':
        case 'DB_Intro':
        case 'Insert':
                $path .= strtolower($_GET['guide']) . '.php';

            $path .= 'intro.php';

    include $path;


I think the switch might be overkill.  You could get away with a single line of tertiary notation


$path = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/guides/php/';
$page = isset($_GET['guide']) ? strtolower($_GET['guide']) : 'intro';

include "$path/$page.php";


For those that don't get the notation it is


variable = (condition) ? if_condition_true : if_condition_false


so if $_GET['guide'] is set, $page takes the name of php file (which gets the .php in the include).  if not, then $page is set to intro. 


however it looks like your bigger issue was how you were referencing the $_GET and that seems to be in order now.

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