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[SOLVED] Register Page


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I'm currently working on something, and I'd like to know how to make my page check to see if the user name is in use, and if it is suggest a few that aren't in use that are about the same as the wanted one...this would be awsome if someone knows this!

Thanks a lot,




I'd also like to know if it says a name with a swear word in it or something of that nature it will just refreash the page and not continue with the form...

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U dont a:


Username: Guilty

Name: Someone

Age: 105


The username u specified is already taken. Try instead

- GuiltySomeone

- Guilty105

- Guilty1903 (current date - age)

- GuiltyPHPFreak (some random words attached)


If thats your purpose then its easy. Simply check the database for an existing record and if it finds one, suggest those usernames by appending his/her personal information, like name, age, birthdate, random words etc. If u have no technical idea on what im talking about, then ure wanting someone to create it for u, not actually asking help.

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Ok i took a look at runescape and actually its probably the easiest thing to be created with php, as its only suggesting username + some random numbers. Its a totally useless feature which doesnt help your users. Anyway a simple code:


$username = $_POST['username'];
$resultsUser = mysql_query("SELECT id, username FROM table WHERE username='$username'");
if(mysql_num_rows($resultsUser) == 1){
    //do what u have to do
} else{
    $randNr = rand(100, 200);
    echo 'The username is already taken. Instead u can choose one of these<br />';
    echo $username . $randNr . '<br />';
    echo $username . $randNr+1 . '<br />';
    echo $username . $randNr+2 . '<br />';
    echo $username . $randNr+3 . '<br />';


Thats what it basically does, but what i suggested in my previous post should be a way better "suggested username" method.

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