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Virtual Hosts Config


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Hi there everyone.  I'm in the process of configuring Apache 2.0 for hosting 3 websites on a single server/ip.  I have the conf file set (i think) correctly and when I type "http://example1.com" or "http://example2.net" into my browser, everything works great!  But how can I configure it so that computers that AREN'T my server (ie my pc at work or a friend's pc down the street) can visit my 3 websites?


Right now if I'm at work and I type "http://###.###.###.###" (i didn't give my domain registrar my ip address yet), I only see the default Apache index.html page.  I can't get to my other sites. "http://###.###.###.###/example2.net" won't work either.


How can I make www.example1.com or www.example2.net visible to the outside world??


Is it even possible?


Thanks a mil!!!!

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Now it's really odd.  When I type in www.example.com or example.com from HOME, it will go to my server here at the office, but if i type in www.example.com or example.com from the office, it times out and I get the "Problem loading page" in my browser.  Is there a reason why it isn't working locally but it is working externally?  Here's my HOSTS file as well as my apache conf file......


HOSTS= localhost example.com example2.com example3.com example4.com mail.example.com mail.example2.com mail.example3.com mail.example4.com


And my conf file...


NameVirtualHost *:80

<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin webmaster@example.com

    DocumentRoot /www/example.com/htdocs

    ServerAlias example.com *.example.com

    ServerName www.example.com

    ErrorLog /www/example.com/logs/example.com-error_log

    CustomLog /www/example.com/logs/example.com-access_log common



<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin webmaster@example2.com

    DocumentRoot /www/example2.com/htdocs

    ServerAlias example2.com *.example2.com

    ServerName www.example2.com

    ErrorLog /www/example2.com/logs/example2.com-error_log

    CustomLog /www/example2.com/logs/example2.com-access_log common



<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin webmaster@example3.com

    DocumentRoot /www/example3.com/htdocs

    ServerAlias example3.com *.example3.com

    ServerName www.example3.com

    ErrorLog /www/example3.com/logs/example3.com-error_log

    CustomLog /www/example3.com/logs/example3.com-access_log common



<VirtualHost *:80>

    ServerAdmin webmaster@example4.com

    DocumentRoot /www/example4.com/htdocs

    ServerAlias example4.com *.example4.com

    ServerName www.example4.com

    ErrorLog /www/example4.com/logs/example4.com-error_log

    CustomLog /www/example4.com/logs/example4.com-access_log common




Any ideas why it's only working from OUTSIDE my LAN????


Thanks so much!

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