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[SOLVED] showin image of user who posted a message


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ok account field in tagboard table is what account the tags are assosiated with... so then i can do this  <?php $SQL = "SELECT * FROM $tablname WHERE account = '$user2' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $howmany";?>


only selecting the posts made uder the users profile ( $user2 =  $_GET['username']; ) 



ok im trying to make it so now the image like u suggested is under users


$query = "INSERT INTO `users` (`ext`) VALUES ('$file_ext') WHERE ID = '$id' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ext = '$file_ext'";


but i get You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ID = '1' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ext = 'gif'' at line 1

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I'm not even sure why you have a separate field for the extension - why not just store the image name and extension together?


Run this query to add a new field to your users table:


ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `image` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL


Then run this query to make the image field equal to the user's id plus the relevant extension:


UPDATE users SET image = CONCAT(ID,'.',(SELECT ext FROM user_images WHERE user_images.user_id=users.ID))


The above queries only need be run once.


I should probably add that if you were wanting to let users add more than one image, you would be correct in thinking you need a second table. However, if you're just wanting to allow users to have an avatar (or similar) then you might as well stick with the one table.


And lastly, im still unsure about this account field. Whats the difference between account and nick?


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ok so when i upload an image what would my query be ??


$query = "INSERT INTO `users` (`image`) VALUES ('$file_ext')  ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ext = '$file_ext'";



ok i will show you the difference by showing you the code ....


$user = $_POST['username'];

$id = $_SESSION['user_id'];

$username = get_username($id);

$SQL = "INSERT INTO $tablname (nick, url, account, message, datetime, ip) VALUES ('$username', 'http://www.r.com/members/$username', '$user', '$message', '" . time() . "', '$REMOTE_ADDR');";


so nick is the name of the person who posted the message

e.g  GingerRobot says hello


and account is the profile that they are posting the message onto..so


e.g GingerRobot says hello on runnerjp's profile

    runnerjp says hello to you to0 on GingerRobot's profile


so then when you go on say GingerRobot's profile he will be able to see the message runnerjp says hello to you to0 because it was on his profile but not GingerRobot says hello on runnerjp's profile because it was not on his profile... does that make sence


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Yes, i understand what you mean about the account now.


Are you now using the above suggestion for storing the image? If so, the following should work for you:


$sql = "SELECT t.* ,u.image FROM `tagboard` AS t, users AS u WHERE t.account = '$user2' AND t.nick = u.Username ORDER BY t.id DESC LIMIT 10";
$result = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error().'<br />Query was:'.$sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    $nick     = $row["nick"]; 
    $url      = $row["url"];
    $message  = $row["message"];
    $datetime = $row["datetime"];
    $senton= date("M jS, Y \a\\t h:i A T", $datetime);
    $img = $row['image'];
    //echo out as required
    echo 'Username:'.$nick.'<br />';
    echo 'URL:'.$urk.'<br />';
    echo 'Message:'.$message.'<br />';
    echo 'Time:'.$senton.'<br />';
    echo 'Img: <img src="http://www.r.com/members/images/mini/'.$img.'" /><br />';
    echo "<hr />\n";


As for when you're uploading your image, all you need to do is store the image name and extension in users.image. The same goes for when you're displaying it; just retrieve that value.


Finally, i should probably add that there are certain oddities in your database structure -- for example, it would be better to store a user id, rather than a user's name, in the tagboard table to identify the user. It is also strange that you have a character limit on the tagboard.nick field of 16, whilst tagboard.account has a limit of 99 and users.Username has a limit of 255, yet all of these are storing the same piece of data! I think there are others, but perhaps that's for a different day.

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ok made a few tinks in the code and got it working :)


u am tho having trouble with

$sql = "INSERT INTO `users` (images) VALUES ('".$id.$file_ext."') WHERE ID = '$id'";


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE ID = '1'' at line 1

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Sorry, i never really read your SQL code properly. Must be tired. You need to use an UPDATE statement when changing data in a row that already exists. INSERT is used to create a new row. Try:


$sql = "UPDATE `users` SET images = '".$id.".".$file_ext."' WHERE ID=$id";


Im assuming that $id is always an integer. Otherwise you'll need quotes around the second $id. Im also assuming that you're using the field name images rather than image.

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ahh yes its working... i am trying to make it so that a defaulty image is loaded when regestering  0.jpg  but im getting this error


SQL/DB Error -- [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''0.jpg'' at line 1]


	$query = $db->query ( "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . ", " . $db->qstr ( md5 ( $_POST['password'] ) ).", '" . time () . "', " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['email'] ) . ", '" . random_string ( 'alnum', 32 ) . "'), '0.jpg'" );	

  rather then open new post can you tell me what the syntax error is as i have

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Looks like you closed off the query too soon. Try:


$query = $db->query ( "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . ", " . $db->qstr ( md5 ( $_POST['password'] ) ).", '" . time () . "', " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['email'] ) . ", '" . random_string ( 'alnum', 32 ) . ", '0.jpg'" );

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well probelm is its been done as soon as the user signes up like so


require ("members/shoutbox/required.php");

if ( array_key_exists ( '_submit_check', $_POST ) )
	if ( $_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['password'] != '' && $_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_confirmed'] && $_POST['email'] != '' && valid_email ( $_POST['email'] ) == TRUE )
		if ( ! checkUnique ( 'Username', $_POST['username'] ) )
			$error = 'Username already taken. Please try again!';
		elseif ( ! checkUnique ( 'Email', $_POST['email'] ) )
			$error = 'The email you used is associated with another user. Please try again or use the "Lost password" feature!';
		else {		
			$query = $db->query ( "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . ", " . $db->qstr ( md5 ( $_POST['password'] ) ).", '" . time () . "', " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['email'] ) . ", '" . random_string ( 'alnum', 32 ) . ", '0.jpg'" );	
			$getUser = "SELECT ID, Username, Email, Random_key FROM " . DBPREFIX . "users WHERE Username = " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . "";
	$SQL = $db->query ("INSERT INTO tagboard (nick, url, account, message, datetime, ip) VALUES ('Admin', 'http://runningprofiles.com/members/admin', '".$_POST['username']."', 'Welcome to running profiles ', '" . date($ts_format) . "', '$REMOTE_ADDR')" );

			if ( $db->RecordCount ( $getUser ) == 1 )
				$row = $db->getRow ( $getUser );

				$subject = "Activation email from " . DOMAIN_NAME;

				$message = "Dear ".$row->Username.", this is your activation link to join our website. In order to confirm your membership please click on the following link: <a href=\"" . APPLICATION_URL . "/confirm.php?ID=" . $row->ID . "&key=" . $row->Random_key . "\">" . APPLICATION_URL . "/confirm.php?ID=" . $row->ID . "&key=" . $row->Random_key . "</a> <br /><br />Thank you for joining";

				if ( send_email ( $subject, $row->Email, $message ) ) {
					$msg = 'Account registered. Please check your email for details on how to activate it.';
				else {
					$error = 'I managed to register your membership but failed to send the validation email. Please contact the admin at ' . ADMIN_EMAIL;
			else {
				$error = 'User not found. Please contact the admin at ' . ADMIN_EMAIL;
	else {		
		$error = 'There was an error in your data. Please make sure you filled in all the required data, you provided a valid email address and that the password fields match one another.';	


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Think i see it. Try:


$query = $db->query ( "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . ", " . $db->qstr ( md5 ( $_POST['password'] ) ).", '" . time () . "', " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['email'] ) . ", '" . random_string ( 'alnum', 32 ) . "', '0.jpg'" );

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ok here you go


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1

Query was:INSERT INTO users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES ('e', '08a44e9d4ff00942b91e', '1211138282', 'yes@itworks.com', 'd8pPTMD8ifjlSMIFOJ969tBbNpDQZrhs', '0.jpg'




<?php $sql = "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . ", " . $db->qstr ( md5 ( $_POST['password'] ) ).", '" . time () . "', " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['email'] ) . ", '" . random_string ( 'alnum', 32 ) . "', '0.jpg'";
$result = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error().'<br />Query was:'.$sql);?>

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Missing closing bracket:


$sql = "INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "users (`Username` , `Password`, `date_registered`, `Email`, `Random_key`,`image`) VALUES (" . $db->qstr ( $_POST['username'] ) . ", " . $db->qstr ( md5 ( $_POST['password'] ) ).", '" . time () . "', " . $db->qstr ( $_POST['email'] ) . ", '" . random_string ( 'alnum', 32 ) . "', '0.jpg')";
$result = mysql_db_query($database,$sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error().'<br />Query was:'.$sql)

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