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Quick Mail() question


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Hello all,


I'm about to write a small script that will be responsible for sending email to about 100-200 clients.  My first few emails went out using a while loop and calling the mail function each time.  The emails went out fine and (as far as I know) all of the clients received the emails.


I have heard of people having trouble while using the mail functions.  Normally this is because the servers can't handle the load. This leads me to 2 questions:


1. Should I explore other options for sending out small newsletters?

2. Instead of looping through the email addresses and calling mail() for each one, should I add multiple recipients and just make one call to mail()?



// multiple recipients

$to  = 'aidan@example.com' . ', ';

$to .= 'wez@example.com';


Please send me some advice.

Thank you,

Matt Kris

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Not sure, I've not tried sending so many emails in PHP, but what I would say is, don't add them all as 'To' if you do,

you should add them as BCC and have the initial To email address be one for your site, for privacy sake.


That way the To would be something like maillist@example.com and everyone will just see that address and not

everyone elses on the mailing list.

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One thing to consider is that if you are going to send large emails with many recipients, you may want to put them into the "bcc" field... if you put them all in the "to" field, everyone sees everyone elses emails... This does not always make people so happy :). Also, as far as I can tell from having tried it, the server still believes  it is sending multiple emails, not just one.


I am interested in other's responses, as I am in this boat too :)





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