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truncate question

kev wood

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would the update function work better for me here as i only want to replace the data that is stored in the table.


the syntax for this would be


UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = new_value
WHERE column_name = some_value


as i am updating the row with a variable name which stores the path to an image would the update still work if the new and old values have the same variable name.

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would this code be correct


$query = "UPDATE broad_images SET broad2 = $broad2name2 WHERE broad2 = $broad2name2";



is the variable that holds the path to the image.  if a new image is uploaded it is stored in the variable, is it possible to update the table if the variable names are the same nut hold different values.

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Your question doesn't make any sense and your code is "useless."


$query = "UPDATE broad_images SET broad2 = $broad2name2 WHERE broad2 = $broad2name2";


Let's set $broad2name2 equal to 'A' and see what happens.


UPDATE broad_images SET broad2 = 'A' WHERE broad2 = 'A'


Or, in English, set the column equal to 'A' where the column already equals 'A'.  If it already equals 'A', then why bother setting it to 'A'?


MySQL will only update the row if the new values are actually different than what currently exists.  So in this case, the query would fail because it didn't actually update anything (although semantically it's successful because the column contains the value we wanted).

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the variable $broad2name2 would hold a different image each time it was trying to update the mysql table.


my question was would it update the table from the same variable name if it held a different value.




first upload the var = thumb/thumbs_image1.gif


second upload the var = thumb/thumbs_image1.png


as the images are always stored in this variable for the upload i need to know if i can update the table with the newly uploaded image.

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if a new image is uploaded it is stored in the variable, is it possible to update the table if the variable names are the same nut hold different values.


You can't have two variables in the same scope with the same name and different values.  If you use the variable name $xyz within the same scope, multiple times, each one refers to the same variable.


My original point still stands.  This does utterly nothing:

UPDATE `some_table` SET `col`='Val' WHERE `col`='Val'


You need to have a query that looks like:

UPDATE `some_table` SET `col`= $NewVal WHERE `col` = $OldVal

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