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How do i get a personalized display page for when a person logs in.  Basically it is an excercise and calorie counting page.  When the person logs in with their unique id and password I want their personal page to show up. 


The clients sign up, and their home page is reflective of the information that they input on the original form.  Then they have a form that they fill otu each day with calories taken in and calories burned off due to excercise.  I want their home page to reflect the update form also.  So that the values update as they enter the form basically.


Is there an easy way to have a page update with a form like this. Basically just want their homepage to reflect a calculation of results.  I know how to do the calcuations dont know how to get the page to reflect the most recent submittal.

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Yes, you just use a database to show specific information for that user wherever you like.


I am very new to this update form stuff can you give me an example.  Mayeb just like a short example


If I sign up with


User name:  abcde

Password : abcde


First Name : Hello


Basically for this example the user would sign in and his home page would say hello


I would have a form that would allow him to change the message to whatever and the home page would reflect the new message


can you help me with a script just for this simple example then i can work it out from threr

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very basic sample of what you can do.

/* This scritp requires you to have a db setup, and to have rows on the table
that are named "user_id", "username", "password", "first_name", "last_name", etc
if (isset($_POST['username']) && !(isset($_SESSION['username']))){
//db connection stuff here
$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']);
$password = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE `username` = {$username} AND `password`= {$password} LIMIT 1";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
	$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
	$_SESSION['username'] = $row['username'];
	$_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
	$_SESSION['first_name'] = $row['first_name'];
	$_SESSION['last_name'] = $row['last_name'];
	$_SESSION['is_valid'] = true;

if ($_SESSION['is_valid']){
print "Hello, ".$_SESSION['first_name']." ".$_SESSION['last_name'];
		<form method="POST" action="?">
				<table border="0">
						<td><input type="text" name="username"></td>
						<td><input type="password" name="password"></td>

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Do you have access to a Database?   You'll need to understand CSS, HTML, PHP and MySQL (if that's your DB) in order to do this easily.


Yeah i write CSS, been using HTML for a while, new to PHP but have php5 on my server and Mysql also

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I'm really new to PHP as well. The poeple here are great, but I have found that if you show them that you are trying and can show them some code they are more likely to help. Jonsjava's example is great, but you might want to run through a few of the tutorials first.  PHP get's complicated really fast so in my opinion you'll want to understand how to write to a db first. 

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Get a book.  Even if it only tells you the basics, it will help.  I have learned quite a few things here, and I have only read one simple book.  Of course, I look at the PHP manual when I need to know how to do something, so that is a must too.

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Get a book.  Even if it only tells you the basics, it will help.  I have learned quite a few things here, and I have only read one simple book.  Of course, I look at the PHP manual when I need to know how to do something, so that is a must too.


YEha i have php and mysql for dummies and the manual but for this type of project i could not find what I was looking for with the resources I had so I figured I would scratch the pros' brains.  Thanks for all the help by the way guys!

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I dont want the informaiton to be only available for that session.  I want it so its like a profile basically.  So that it can be updated and all that good stuff.  Basically these are the fields I am goign to have






Estimated Calorie Intake (Maintain Weight)

Estimated Calorie Intake (Lose 1lb per week)


Breakfast (foods eaten)

Breakfast Calories

Lunch - Dinner

Total Calories

Exercise Done


Total Calories Burned

Total Intake

Total Burned

Net Calories

Average Time to lose 1 lb


I know how to generate all the forms, the equations and all that but I want those fields to be on a permanent page that can be updated each day.  And the values that are currently there are replaced by new ones once the submit button is hit. 

Todays Caloric Intake


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I cant just do a replace the page with a new one thing because the only fields that are going to change are the ones being updated at that time.  Not all fields have to be updated at once.  So i just need the ones tha are updated to change.  And at the end of the day when they click "End Day" it files it away in a directory and loads a blank page with all those fields empty. 


When they click day done I want the title of the file to be the Date that they enter in the date field.html


Is there a way to do that also??


Sorry complete newb to this type of php work

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The easy way to do it is to just load in the current values into the form.  When they hit update it writes it all back, but since the data itself hasn't changed, it writes back the same value.  It's either that or have updates to each field, which would be a pain.

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Get a book.  Even if it only tells you the basics, it will help.  I have learned quite a few things here, and I have only read one simple book.  Of course, I look at the PHP manual when I need to know how to do something, so that is a must too.


YEha i have php and mysql for dummies and the manual but for this type of project i could not find what I was looking for with the resources I had so I figured I would scratch the pros' brains.  Thanks for all the help by the way guys!


good book, its what i used to start me off. it gives you a good idea on member systems and databases i thought. try the example aplications. (the pet store?)

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Get a book.  Even if it only tells you the basics, it will help.  I have learned quite a few things here, and I have only read one simple book.  Of course, I look at the PHP manual when I need to know how to do something, so that is a must too.


YEha i have php and mysql for dummies and the manual but for this type of project i could not find what I was looking for with the resources I had so I figured I would scratch the pros' brains.  Thanks for all the help by the way guys!


good book, its what i used to start me off. it gives you a good idea on member systems and databases i thought. try the example aplications. (the pet store?)


Just pulled it out.  Actually i might be able to figure it out kinda from that.  Ill post if i need more hlep unless osmeone wants to direct me a bit more!!

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