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if(isset($_GET['image_cat']) && $_GET['image_subcat'])

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Is this the correct syntax for to check two things in a $_GET statement


if(isset($_GET['image_cat']) && $_GET['image_subcat'])


the address will be



and i need it to check both of these, this is the rest of my code


if(isset($_GET['image_cat']) && $_GET['image_subcat']) // If the URL ends in ?image_cat do everything in the brakets
$cat = $_GET['image_cat'];
$sub_cat = $_GET['image_subcat']; 
$query = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `folder_name` = '{$cat}' AND `sub_folder` = '{$sub_cat}' ORDER BY image_id ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error:" . mysql_error());
$i = 0;
<table align="center"><tr>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))  {
     if ($i == 4) {
          $i = 0; // reset variable
          echo "</td></tr><tr></tr><tr><td>"; // break the line

?><a href="<?php echo $row['image_link']; ?>" rel="lightbox [main]" title="<?php echo $row['image_name']; ?>" ><img width="150px" src="<?php echo $row['image_link']; ?>"></a></td><td>

     $i++; // increase $i each time through the loop
require_once 'footer.php';
if(isset($_GET['image_cat'])) // If the URL ends in ?image_cat do everything in the brakets
$i = $_GET['image_cat'];
$que = "SELECT sub_cat,imagelink FROM `sub_cat` ORDER BY sub_cat ASC";
$resu = mysql_query($que) ;
$query = "SELECT catergory FROM `image_catergory` ORDER BY catergory ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) ;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM sub_cat WHERE `imagelink`='{$subcate}' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
$reslt = mysql_query($sql);
$rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($reslt); 
$wo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$subcate = $rw['sub_cat']; 
$i = 0;
<table align="center"><tr>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resu))  {
     if ($i == 4) {
          $i = 0; // reset variable
           echo "<tr>"; // break the line

	?><td><font style="font-size:large"><b><?php echo $row['sub_cat'] ?></b></font><br><a href="?image_cat=<?php echo $wo['catergory']; ?>&image_subcat=<?php echo $row['sub_cat']; ?>"><img width="150px" src="<?php echo $row['imagelink']; ?>"></a></td><td>    </td>

     $i++; // increase $i each time through the loop
if (mysql_num_rows($resu) < 1) 
echo "No Images Yet. <br>Keep Checking Backs<br>";

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Yes you can, if the parameters exist in the URI.

For example:



$uid = htmlentities($_GET['uid']); // Remember to secure values!
$username = htmlentities($_GET['username']); // Remember to secure values!

print $uid; // Returns 45
print $username; // Returns "Wolphie"


if(isset($_GET['param']) && isset($_GET['param'])) { // The code inside the parathenses doesn't look pretty but ah well!
  print 'The GET parameters are set.';
else {
  print 'The GET parameters need to be set!';

ok, that now works.

But how can i get this to work.

$query = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `sub_folder` = '{$sub_cat}'ORDER BY image_id ASC";


when i add a AND to it , it doesn't work.



$query = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `sub_folder` = '{$sub_cat}' AND `folder_name` =  '{$cat}' ORDER BY image_id ASC";

erm, ok

well this is some of the code

$cat = $_GET['image_cat'];
$sub_cat = $_GET['image_subcat']; 
$query = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `sub_folder` = '{$sub_cat}' ORDER BY image_id ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error:" . mysql_error());
//$qry = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `folder_name` = '{$cat}' ORDER BY image_id ASC";
//$reslt = mysql_query($qry) or die("Error:" . mysql_error());
//$rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($reslt)
$i = 0;


ok, well it is for a subcatergory in a image gallery,  but it isn't selecting from the actual main catergory only the sub, and when i add the AND. The page doesn't show any image

Well that is quite clearly not the code which contains the query with two criteria in your WHERE clause -- we need to see that code.


I assume you're sure that there are actually matching rows? Have you tried echoing the query inself to check exactly what is being executed, to check that variables are set etc?

$query = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `folder_name` = '{$cat}' AND `sub_folder` = '{$sub_cat}' ORDER BY image_id ASC";

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error:" . mysql_error());


and yes , just echoed them out and they are correct.


ok, anyone got any ideas,  i need to have main catergory's and then sub catergorys in it.

this is my database structure


3 tables




this is my code,

to display this , but i can't get it right

require_once 'header.php';
$time_stamp = date("d.m.Y");
$date = $time_stamp;
if(isset($_GET['image_cat']) && isset($_GET['image_subcat'])) // If the URL ends in ?image_cat do everything in the brakets
$cat = $_GET['image_cat'];
$sub_cat = $_GET['image_subcat'];
$check = "SELECT sub_cat FROM sub_cat WHERE `parent_cat` = '{$cat}'"; 
$check2 = mysql_query($check) or die ("Error:" . mysql_error());
$rom = mysql_fetch_assoc($check2);
$cat2 = $rom['sub_cat'];
$query = "SELECT folder_name,image_link,image_id,image_name,sub_folder FROM `image_gallery` WHERE `sub_folder` = '{$cat2}' ORDER BY image_id ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Error:" . mysql_error());
$i = 0;
<table align="center"><tr>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))  {
     if ($i == 4) {
          $i = 0; // reset variable
          echo "</td></tr><tr></tr><tr><td>"; // break the line

?><a href="<?php echo $row['image_link']; ?>" rel="lightbox [main]" title="<?php echo $row['image_name']; ?>" ><img width="150px" src="<?php echo $row['image_link']; ?>"></a></td><td>

     $i++; // increase $i each time through the loop
require_once 'footer.php';
if(isset($_GET['image_cat'])) // If the URL ends in ?image_cat do everything in the brakets
$i = $_GET['image_cat'];
$que = "SELECT sub_cat FROM sub_cat WHERE `parent_cat` = '{$i}'"; 
$resu = mysql_query($que) ;
$query = "SELECT catergory FROM `image_catergory` ORDER BY catergory ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) ;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM sub_cat WHERE `imagelink`='{$subcate}' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
$reslt = mysql_query($sql);
$rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($reslt); 
$wo = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$subcate = $rw['sub_cat']; 
$i = 0;
<table align="center"><tr>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($resu))  {
     if ($i == 4) {
          $i = 0; // reset variable
           echo "<tr>"; // break the line

	?><td><font style="font-size:large"><b><?php echo $row['sub_cat'] ?></b></font><br><a href="?image_cat=<?php echo $wo['catergory']; ?>&image_subcat=<?php echo $row['sub_cat']; ?>"><img width="150px" src="<?php echo $row['imagelink']; ?>"></a></td><td>    </td>

     $i++; // increase $i each time through the loop
if (mysql_num_rows($resu) < 1) 
echo "No Images Yet. <br>Keep Checking Backs<br>";
//No ID passed to page, display user list:
$query = "SELECT catergory,image_link FROM `image_catergory` ORDER BY catergory ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) ;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM image_catergory WHERE `image_link`='{$cate}' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1";
$reslt = mysql_query($sql);
$rw = mysql_fetch_assoc($reslt); 
$cate = $row['catergory']; 
$i = 0;
<table align="center"><tr>
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))  {
     if ($i == 4) {
          $i = 0; // reset variable
           echo "<tr>"; // break the line

	?><td><font style="font-size:large"><b><?php echo $row['catergory'] ?></b></font><br><a href="?image_cat=<?php echo $row['catergory']; ?>"><img width="150px" src="<?php echo $row['image_link']; ?>"></a></td><td>    </td>

     $i++; // increase $i each time through the loop
if (mysql_num_rows($result) < 1) 
echo "No Images Yet. <br>Keep Checking Back<br>";
require_once 'footer.php';


i would do the database, but i can't seem to get it working now. ANY HELP PLEASEEE

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