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[SOLVED] AND / OR Query Help


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I have a database containing orders, Basically I need a query that will show:


album name



delivery status


so I can select say ALL albums in March 2008 or all Delivered Items in 2006 etc etc, The drop downs are populated by a query, however I am struggling doing a 4 way or/and query.


can anyone help?


my searchresults.php page


if (empty($_POST['year'])) { $where_year = "true"; } else { $where_year = "year = '".$_POST['year']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['month'])) { $where_month = "true"; } else { $where_month = "month = '".$_POST['month']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['status'])) { $where_status = "true"; } else { $where_status = "status = '".$_POST['status']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['albumname'])) { $where_albumname = "true"; } else { $where_albumname = "albumname = '".$_POST['albumname']."'"; }

$sql6="SELECT 'YEAR(orderdate) AS year', 'MONTH(orderdate) AS month', '*' FROM orders WHERE $where_year AND $where_month AND $where_status AND $where_albumname";

$result6=mysql_query($sql6)or die( "<strong>Query Error:6</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql6<br><br>" );


I get an error message :


Query Error:6: Unknown column 'year' in 'where clause'

Query: SELECT 'YEAR(orderdate) AS year', 'MONTH(orderdate) AS month', '*' FROM orders WHERE year = '*' AND month = '*' AND status = '*' AND albumname = '*'


any ideas?


Thanks in advance, there must be a simple and / or query I can use?

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ah ha!


Excellent thank you, now i get the page layout with no errors if i select show all, however if i select an album name i now get this error:


Query Error:6: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'cartern''' at line 1

Query: SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS year, MONTH(orderdate) AS month, '*' FROM orders WHERE 'year = '*'' AND 'month = '*'' AND 'status = '*'' AND 'albumname = 'cartern''


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you've got single-quotes messed up a little in your query. compare with my example.


yes sorry, I just noticed that :( right, I think ive got the single quotes sorted now, however i still get this error


Query Error:6: Unknown column 'year' in 'where clause'


Query: SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS year, MONTH(orderdate) AS month, '*' FROM orders WHERE year = '*' AND month = '*' AND status = '*' AND albumname = 'cartern'

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Ok, found loads of silly mistakes with this code, so this is the new version


if (empty($_POST['year'])) { $where_year = "year = '*'"; } else { $where_year = "year = '".$_POST['year']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['month'])) { $where_month = "month = '*'"; } else { $where_month = "month = '".$_POST['month']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['status'])) { $where_status = "status = '*'"; } else { $where_status = "status = '".$_POST['status']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['albumname'])) { $where_albumname = "albumname = '*'"; } else { $where_albumname = "albumname = '".$_POST['albumname']."'"; }

$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS year, MONTH(orderdate) AS month, '*' FROM orders WHERE $where_year AND $where_month AND $where_status AND $where_albumname";


but i still get :


Query Error:6: Unknown column 'year' in 'where clause'


Query: SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS year, MONTH(orderdate) AS month, '*' FROM orders WHERE year = '*' AND month = '*' AND status = '*' AND albumname = 'cartern'


however I thought im telling it that YEAR(orderdate) is year etc etc?

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ah ha, okies


I have now change it to:

if (empty($_POST['albumyear'])) { $where_year = "albumyear = '*'"; } else { $where_year = "albumyear = '".$_POST['albumyear']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['albummonth'])) { $where_month = "albummonth = '*'"; } else { $where_month = "albummonth = '".$_POST['albummonth']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['albumstatus'])) { $where_status = "albumstatus = '*'"; } else { $where_status = "albumstatus = '".$_POST['albumstatus']."'"; }
if (empty($_POST['albumname'])) { $where_albumname = "albumname = '*'"; } else { $where_albumname = "albumname = '".$_POST['albumname']."'"; }

$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, '*' FROM orders WHERE $where_year AND $where_month AND $where_status AND $where_albumname";


but i still get this error:


Query Error:6: Unknown column 'albumyear' in 'where clause'

Query: SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, '*' FROM orders WHERE albumyear = '2008' AND albummonth = 'March' AND status = 'Payment Pending' AND albumname = 'cartern'


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was just going to post that. news to me!!




Standard SQL doesn't allow you to refer to a column alias in a WHERE clause. This restriction is imposed because when the WHERE code is executed, the column value may not yet be determined. For example, the following query is illegal:


SELECT id, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM tbl_name WHERE cnt > 0 GROUP BY id;




You can use an alias to refer to a column in GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or HAVING clauses.



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just don't use aliases in the where:


$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, '*' FROM orders WHERE YEAR(orderdate) = 'some_value' AND MONTH(orderdate) = 'some_other_value' AND $where_status AND $where_albumname";

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$where = array();
$whereclause = '';

if (!empty($_POST['albumyear'])) {
$albumyear = $_POST['albumyear']; 
$where[] = "YEAR(orderdate) = '$albumyear'";

if (!empty($_POST['albummonth'])) {
$albummonth = $_POST['albummonth']; 
$where[] = "MONTH(orderdate) = '$albummonth'";

if (!empty($_POST['albumstatus'])) {
$albumstatus = $_POST['albumstatus']; 
$where[] = "albumstatus = '$albumstatus'";

if (!empty($_POST['albumname'])) {
$albumname = $_POST['albumname']; 
$where[] = "albumname = '$albumname'";

$whereclause =  (count($where)) ? 'WHERE ' . join (' AND ', $where) : '';

$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, * FROM orders $whereclause";

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$where = array();
$whereclause = '';

if (!empty($_POST['albumyear'])) {
$albumyear = $_POST['albumyear']; 
$where[] = "YEAR(orderdate) = '$albumyear'";

if (!empty($_POST['albummonth'])) {
$albummonth = $_POST['albummonth']; 
$where[] = "MONTH(orderdate) = '$albummonth'";

if (!empty($_POST['albumstatus'])) {
$albumstatus = $_POST['albumstatus']; 
$where[] = "albumstatus = '$albumstatus'";

if (!empty($_POST['albumname'])) {
$albumname = $_POST['albumname']; 
$where[] = "albumname = '$albumname'";

$whereclause =  (count($where)) ? 'WHERE ' . join (' AND ', $where) : '';

$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, * FROM orders $whereclause";


ok, I think its starting to get there, the problem I have is, how do I get it to show all orders, i.e. if no information is selected, then I need to display all the orders in the database, so how can I show all

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If all the search fields are empty then there is no WHERE clause therefore all records are selected.


ok that makes sense, now the issue I am having, is i now get this error:


Notice: Undefined variable: albumname in /var/www/vhosts/iwphoto.co.uk/httpsdocs/orders/searchresults.php on line 124


and i get the correct amount of rows, but they are all empty? I dont understand why it isnt showing the info within the database?


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result6)) 
$orderdate = $row['orderdate'];
$id = $row['id'];
$name_first = $row['name_first'];
$name_last = $row['name_last'];
$ordered_items = $row['ordered_items'];
$total = $row['total'];

$showdate = date('d M Y H:m', strtotime($row['orderdate']));
  <td width="80" class='main'><? echo "$showdate" ;?></td>  
  <td width="37" class='main'><? echo $id; ?></td> 
  <td align='left' class='main'><? echo $name_first ;?> <? echo $name_last ;?></td>
  <td width="250" align='left' class='main'><? echo $ordered_items ;?></td>
  <td width="40" align='center' class='main'><? echo $total ?></td>
  <td width="55" align='center' class='main'>  
  <form name='orderdetail' action='order_detail.php' method='POST'>
  <input type='hidden' name='id' value='<? echo $id ;?>'>
  <input type='submit' class='main' name='Submit' value='Details' onclick='return CheckForm()' />
  <? }?> 

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current script:


include "../scripts/connection.php"; 

$where = array();
$whereclause = '';

if (!empty($_POST['albumyear'])) {
$albumyear = $_POST['albumyear']; 
$where[] = "YEAR(orderdate) = '$albumyear'";

if (!empty($_POST['albummonth'])) {
$albummonth = $_POST['albummonth']; 
$where[] = "MONTH(orderdate) = '$albummonth'";

if (!empty($_POST['status'])) {
$status = $_POST['status']; 
$where[] = "status = '$status'";

if (!empty($_POST['albumname'])) {
$albumname = $_POST['albumname']; 
$where[] = "loginid = '$albumname'";

$whereclause =  (count($where)) ? 'WHERE ' . join (' AND ', $where) : '';

$sql="SELECT DISTINCT (loginid), albumname FROM orders";
$sql2="SELECT DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(orderdate, '%M') AS albummonth, month(orderdate) AS monthnum FROM orders ORDER BY monthnum asc";
$sql3="SELECT DISTINCT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear FROM orders ORDER BY orderdate asc"; 
$sql4="SELECT DISTINCT (status) FROM orders ORDER BY status desc"; 
$sql5="SELECT * FROM album WHERE login = '$albumname'";
$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, '*' FROM orders $whereclause";

$result=mysql_query($sql)or die( "<strong>Query Error:</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql<br><br>" );
$result2=mysql_query($sql2)or die( "<strong>Query Error:2</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql2<br><br>" );
$result3=mysql_query($sql3)or die( "<strong>Query Error:3</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql3<br><br>" );
$result4=mysql_query($sql4)or die( "<strong>Query Error:4</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql4<br><br>" );
$result5=mysql_query($sql5)or die( "<strong>Query Error:5</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql5<br><br>" );
$result6=mysql_query($sql6)or die( "<strong>Query Error:6</strong>: " . mysql_error() . "<br><strong>Query</strong>: $sql6<br><br>" );

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { 
    $options.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$id\">".$thing.'</option>';

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { 
    $options2.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$id2\">".$thing2.'</option>';

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result3)) { 
    $options3.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$id3\">".$thing3.'</option>';
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result4)) { 
    $options4.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$id4\">".$thing4.'</option>';
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result5)) { 
          <br />
          <form action="searchresults.php" class="main" name="searchtype" method="post" >
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="0">
    <td colspan="2" class="header"><img src="../images/heading/order_current.gif" alt="" /></td>
    <td colspan="2" class="header">Please use the search options below to view your orders</td>
    <td> </td>
    <td><div align="left"><span class="style1"></span></div></td>
    <td><div align="right">Search for orders from :</div></td>
        <div align="left" class="style1">
          <select name="albumname" class="main" id="albumname">
            <option value="">All Your Albums
    <td><div align="right">During the Month of :</div></td>
        <div align="left" class="style1">
          <select name="albummonth" class="main" id="albummonth">
            <option value=''>All Months
    <td><div align="right">And the Year of :</div></td>
        <div align="left" class="style1">
          <select name="albumyear" class="main" id="albumyear">
            <option value=''>All Years
    <td><div align="right">With Delivery status of :</div></td>
       <div align="left" class="style1">
          <select name="status" class="main" id="status">
            <option value=''>All Delivery Status
    <td> </td>
    <td><div align="right">
      <input name="submit" type="submit" class="main" id="submit" value="View Orders" />
    <td>Displaying Orders From :</td>
    <td><?  if ($albumname == '' )
		$albumname = 'All Albums' ;
		$albumname = $thing5 ; 
		echo "$albumname" ;?></td>
    <td>For the Period of :</td>
	    if ($albummonth == '' ){
		$albummonth = 'All Months' ;
		} else {
		$albummonth = $albummonth ; 
		if ($albumyear == '' ){
		$albumyear = 'All Years' ;
		} else {
		$albumyear = $albumyear ;  }
		echo ("$albummonth in $albumyear") ;?>
    <td>Using the Delivery Status of :</td>
    <td><? if ($status == '' ){
		$status = 'All Status' ;
		} else {
		$status = $status ; 
		echo "$status" ;?></td>

<p><img src='../images/heading/allorders.gif'></p>
      <table width="95%" border='1' align="center" cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='cccccc'> 
  <th align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='main'><font color = '000000'>Date & Time<br />
  of Order</font></th> 
  <th align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='main'><font color = '000000'>Order<br />
  <th align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='main'><font color = '000000'>Customer<br />
  <th align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='main'><font color = '000000'>Order<br />
  <th align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='main'><font color = '000000'>Order<br />
  <th align='center' bgcolor='#CCCCCC' class='main'> </th>  
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result6)) 
$orderdate = $row['orderdate'];
$id = $row['id'];
$name_first = $row['name_first'];
$name_last = $row['name_last'];
$ordered_items = $row['ordered_items'];
$total = $row['total'];

$showdate = date('d M Y H:m', strtotime($row['orderdate']));
  <td width="80" class='main'><? echo "$showdate" ;?></td>  
  <td width="37" class='main'><? echo $id; ?></td> 
  <td align='left' class='main'><? echo $name_first ;?> <? echo $name_last ;?></td>
  <td width="250" align='left' class='main'><? echo $ordered_items ;?></td>
  <td width="40" align='center' class='main'><? echo $total ?></td>
  <td width="55" align='center' class='main'>  
  <form name='orderdetail' action='order_detail.php' method='POST'>
  <input type='hidden' name='id' value='<? echo $id ;?>'>
  <input type='submit' class='main' name='Submit' value='Details' onclick='return CheckForm()' />
  <? }?> 

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    <td><?  if ($albumname == '' )


Shouldn't that be


    <td><?  if ($thing5 == '' )




$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, '*' FROM orders $whereclause";


Why have you put the quotes round the * ?


That will just return a column in each row containing an "*"



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    <td><?  if ($albumname == '' )


Shouldn't that be


    <td><?  if ($thing5 == '' )




$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, '*' FROM orders $whereclause";


Why have you put the quotes round the * ?


That will just return a column in each row containing an "*"


The $thing5 relates to the drop down menu selector, if ive done this right it should only be used to populate the dropdown selector, but this is really testing my skill (or lack of skill) now...


I used the single quote because with out them I get this error:


Query Error:6: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM orders' at line 1

Query: SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, * FROM orders


but if i put the single quote that error disappears?

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$sql6="SELECT YEAR(orderdate) AS albumyear, MONTH(orderdate) AS albummonth, orders.* FROM orders $whereclause";


!!!!!!! EXCELLENT :D


Thank you, thats brilliant, everything except the month search is working now!


If I select all, rather than an actual status, ie, year, or delivery status etc i get this error:


Notice: Undefined variable: albumname in /var/www/vhosts/domain.co.uk/httpsdocs/orders/searchresults.php on line 236

Notice: Undefined variable: albummonth in /var/www/vhosts/domain.co.uk/httpsdocs/orders/searchresults.php on line 250

Notice: Undefined variable: albumyear in /var/www/vhosts/domain.co.uk/httpsdocs/orders/searchresults.php on line 256

Notice: Undefined variable: status in /var/www/vhosts/domain.co.uk/httpsdocs/orders/searchresults.php on line 266


how can i define the variable when it isnt selected?

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while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { 
    $id2=$row["monthnum"];                                                       // <<<< changed to "monthnum"
    $options2.="<OPTION VALUE=\"$id2\">".$thing2.'</option>';

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