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sending mail problem

kev wood

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i have been receiving emails to my inbox in outlook at a rate that is quicker than i can delete them.  i set up a loop on a emailing system i built but and the loop has broken and now it is repeatedly sending the same message to the inbox.


how can i stop this from happening? 

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guess my inbox is dead then.  if i have taken the code off the server and replaced it will a differently coded page then should it not have been whipped from the server anyway?


the time stamps on the 10,000+ emails i have deleted have only been 3 minutes apart so could it be it is just sending all the emails it produced in what ever time it was active on the server.


if google can search through millions of web pages in a couple of seconds, how many times could a loop be run in 5 minutes? each the loop was completed an email was sent and as the loop could not evaluate its self it just kept on looping until i removed the code from the server.

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