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[SOLVED] My MYSQL query works, but i missed a table from select, how to add please!

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Hi Guys.


I have a query I do not think is working right. But i missed checking a table in the select!

I have 3 tables...


ukpostcode -Simply used to reference postcode lats and longs.

cr_office - used to locate offices in uk

cr_regions - used to allocate offices into regions, but they also act as an office aswel.


I get the closet postcode of the offices to the users, and get the region is falls into. however regions are also offices in their own right!


The problem is I have wrote my query which i think is right, but sadly it does not include region offices in the search.


	$temp3officesql = "SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(".$first[0].")) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(".$first[0]."))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((".$first[1].")-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,cr_office.address1,cr_office.address2,cr_office.address3,cr_office.town,cr_office.postcode,cr_region.regionaddress1,cr_region.regionaddress2,cr_region.regionaddress3,cr_region.regiontown,cr_region.regionpostcode  FROM
ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_office.postcode,' ',1)) AND cr_region.regionID = cr_office.regionID ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";


How do I get it to also include the region table details? Do I just add "OR ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_region.regionpostcode,' ',1))" and add the region fields to the select like cr_region.regionaddress1,.. etc  ?


or create a temp table combining offices and regions and then work off this?

thanks for any advice :)


Hi thanks for the reply.


No it does not work right, I think the issue is I have a region Foreign Key in offices and its in the where as "cr_region.regionID = cr_office.regionID", so to get region details, but as i am also using regions address details this where messes it all up ? with ?



this is the curretn query...

$temp3officesql = "SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(".$first[0].")) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(".$first[0]."))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((".$first[1].")-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,cr_office.address1,cr_office.address2,cr_office.address3,cr_office.town,cr_office.postcode,cr_region.regionaddress1,cr_region.regionaddress2,cr_region.regionaddress3,cr_region.regiontown,cr_region.regionpostcode  FROM
(ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_office.postcode,' ',1)) OR ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_region.regionpostcode,' ',1)) ) AND cr_region.regionID = cr_office.regionID ORDER BY distance ASC";


I get to many returns and it takes a few seconds to run so somethings up! I should get like 58 office address and 12 region addresses, but i get 112 rows?


I think the issue is how i am handling merging the two tables (office and region) and to use them as a dataset of addresses, but also then get the region id from offices table to get region details if required, but of course if the office is a region then i dont need that bit?


confused much :)


I think I am nearly therem honest!


I am selecting it from a union, but i can not see whats wrong with this sql to get it working?


SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(52.4780)) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(52.4780))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((1.7410)-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,

cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,a.address1,a.address2,a.address3,a.town,a.postcode FROM

((SELECT c.regionID as regionID,c.regionaddress1 as address1,c.regionaddress2 as address2,c.regionaddress3 as address3,c.regiontown as town,c.regionpostcode as postcode FROM fcasvn.cr_region c) union (SELECT o.regionID as regionID,o.address1 as address1,o.address2 as address2,o.address3 as address3,o.town as town,o.postcode as postcode FROM fcasvn.cr_office o);)as a,ukpostcodes,cr_region WHERE

ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.postcode,' ',1)) AND cr_region.regionID = a.regionID ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";


any ideas folks?

Sorry I do not know how best to style it?


Is this any better?

   SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(52.4780)) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(52.4780))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((1.7410)-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
   ((SELECT c.regionID as regionID,c.regionaddress1 as address1,c.regionaddress2 as address2,c.regionaddress3 as address3,c.regiontown as town,c.regionpostcode as postcode 
   FROM fcasvn.cr_region c)
   (SELECT o.regionID as regionID,o.address1 as address1,o.address2 as address2,o.address3 as address3,o.town as town,o.postcode as postcode
   FROM fcasvn.cr_office o);
   )as a,
   ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(a.postcode,' ',1))
   cr_region.regionID = a.regionID 
   ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";

If i can not figure out this union join i suspect i may have to just run two seperate querys for offices and regions and then compare them in php to get my top 3.


thanks for any input or time

Also if it helps..


these are the two seperate qrys i want to combine to one!


$temp3officesql = "SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(".$first[0].")) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(".$first[0]."))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((".$first[1].")-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,cr_office.address1,cr_office.address2,cr_office.address3,cr_office.town,cr_office.postcode  FROM
ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_office.postcode,' ',1)) AND cr_region.regionID = cr_office.regionID ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";

$temp3regionsql = "SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(".$first[0].")) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(".$first[0]."))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((".$first[1].")-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,cr_region.regionaddress1 as address1,cr_region.regionaddress2 as address2,cr_region.regionaddress3 as address3,cr_region.regiontown as town,cr_region.regionpostcode as postcode FROM
ukpostcodes,cr_region WHERE
ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_region.regionpostcode,' ',1))ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";



I have the qry working now, it was a few silly things missing like an as for the table c and o.


I am not sure its doing it right, but i have done it all another way now using 2 qrys and handling it with php


If anyone else can benfit from this the way I have done it is ... (full php function included..)


function get_closest_postcode(){

$db = new CRDatabase();
$link = $db->connect();	

$query = 'SELECT `Lat`, `Long` FROM `ukpostcodes` WHERE `PostCode`="'.$this->trimmedpostcode[0].'";';

$result = $link->query($query);

$num_results = $result->num_rows;

if($num_results > 0)

	$first = $result->fetch_row();

	$temp3officesql = "SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(".$first[0].")) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(".$first[0]."))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((".$first[1].")-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
	cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,cr_office.address1,cr_office.address2,cr_office.address3,cr_office.town,cr_office.postcode  FROM
	ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_office.postcode,' ',1)) AND cr_region.regionID = cr_office.regionID ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";

	$temp3regionsql = "SELECT 60 * 1.1515 * DEGREES(ACOS(SIN(RADIANS(".$first[0].")) * SIN(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) +  COS(RADIANS(".$first[0]."))* COS(RADIANS(ukpostcodes.Lat)) * COS(RADIANS((".$first[1].")-ukpostcodes.Long)))) as distance,
	cr_region.regionEmailAdmin,cr_region.regionaddress1 as address1,cr_region.regionaddress2 as address2,cr_region.regionaddress3 as address3,cr_region.regiontown as town,cr_region.regionpostcode as postcode FROM
	ukpostcodes,cr_region WHERE
	ukpostcodes.PostCode LIKE (SUBSTRING_INDEX(cr_region.regionpostcode,' ',1))ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 3";

	$result2 = $link->query($temp3officesql)or die("Error : Failed to Get 3 offices");
	$result = $link->query($temp3regionsql)or die("Error : Failed to Get 3 regions");

	$count = 0;
	while($row = $result->fetch_row())
		$count ++;

		$closestoffices[] = array('distance'=>$row[0],'email'=>$row[1],'address1'=>$row[2],'address2'=>$row[3],'address3'=>$row[4],'town'=>$row[5],'postcode'=>$row[6]);
	while($row = $result2->fetch_row())
		$count ++;
		$closestoffices[] = array('distance'=>$row[0],'email'=>$row[1],'address1'=>$row[2],'address2'=>$row[3],'address3'=>$row[4],'town'=>$row[5],'postcode'=>$row[6]);


	foreach ($closestoffices as $key => $row) {
   		$distance[$key]  = $row['distance'];
	array_multisort($distance, SORT_ASC, $closestoffices);		


	$this->closestoffices = $closestoffices;
//	exit();



Thanks for your help fenway.



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