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[SOLVED] Removing linebreak code from beginning of code.

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That doesn't work either. Its the same exact regex. I need the html to stay as html. I want just the <br/> to be deleted until the first actual output letter or number.





Changes to:


Gotcha; the forum-botched HTML wasn't helping. htmlspecialchars is used to show the result.


$data = '<br/><html><head></head><body><br/><br/>a<br/></body></html>';
$pieces = preg_split('%(?<=>)(?!\s+<)([^<>]+)(?=<)%', $data, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$pieces[0] = str_replace('<br/>', '', $pieces[0]);
$data = join('', $pieces);
echo htmlspecialchars($data);

Actually, it could be reduced to:

$pieces = preg_split('%(?<=>)(?!\s*<)%', $data, 2);


(?<=...) is a positive lookbehind which is used to match a position rather than a character. Thus, (?<=>) means "Is there a '>' preceding this position?" If true, we know we're just beyond the ending of a tag. From here we look to see if content exists with (?!\s*<), which is a negative lookahead. That is, the match is successful if the position is not followed by 0 to ∞ (theoretically) instances of whitespace (\s*), followed by an opening tag.


For further information see http://www.regular-expressions.info or continue questioning.

It is deleting too much.

This is what I have to remove the line breaks, in earlier code I formatted the line breaks \n into [ br].

$pieces = preg_split('%(?<=>)(?!\s*<)%', $selection, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$pieces[0] = str_replace('[br]', '', $pieces[0]);
return join('', $pieces);


From my observations this doesn't work at all. It just deletes all the line breaks in the whole selection.


This is selecting the whole text. I want it only to select the info behind the first actually literal outside of the <> brackets.

Alright the reasoning for the confusion is that the input data is going to be unexpected. Because the user is the one to place in the data.


Example Data:

[ code]


echo \$string;


[ /code]


Without the spaces of course this is the data that gave me the unexpected outcome. Actually I take back there being any html tags all should be bbcode tags.


The problem I have is if somebody use a lot of tags and spaces them out with line breaks I don't want them to appear if it is in he front of the message.



[ table]

  [ tr]

    [ td]

      info here [ b]Hi[ /b]

    [ /td]

  [ /tr]

[ /table]


This will display something like:





info here  Hi
echo $data = <<<DATA
      info here [b]Hi[/b]
echo '<hr>';
$pieces = preg_split('%(?<=\])(?>\s*)(?!\[)%', $data, 2);
$pieces[0] = preg_replace('/(?<=\])\s+(?=\[)/', '', $pieces[0]);
$data = join('', $pieces);
echo $data;

The problem with using the positive lookbehind is what if they don't start with a bbcode tag?




[ table]

[ tr]

[ td]

info here Hi

[ /td]

[ /tr]

[ /table]




Is where I tested it as you can see it messes up.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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