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[SOLVED] PHP Include Troubles / setting paths, etc. Please Help!!


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I've came across a somewhat unique situation that I'd like to be able to do with PHP.

The site is powered on WordPress.  This will not make a difference, because all of the coding is being done in the template files, which can accept all raw code.


Here's what I wanna do:

mysite.com/i/ < has a PHP image hosting script installed (Keep in mind, index.php here includes files in other directories within /i/.  Ex. mysite.com/i/index.php calls for includes/file.php  &  includes/file.php calls for files.


mysite.com/wp-content/themes/classic/file.php < I want the image script from mysite.com/i/ to be included & functional here


I've tried a variety of include methods, path settings, etc. from various forums and of course the php include manual.


Help please?



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So, your saying you have a file...




And from that file you wish to include a file contained within....






<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/i/filename.php'; ?>

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So, your saying you have a file...




And from that file you wish to include a file contained within....






<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/i/filename.php'; ?>


Here is the real url: http://classicia.com/image-hosting-sharing/


Thank you for the reply.  I tried the code & i get this error: 

Commons.inc.php is located: http://mysite.com/i/includes/commons.inc.php


Warning: main(includes/configs.inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/24150/domains/classicia.com/html/i/includes/commons.inc.php on line 36


Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/configs.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/php-4.4.8-1/share/pear') in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/24150/domains/classicia.com/html/i/includes/commons.inc.php on line 36

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By using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] your are setting the path from the root of your site.


You would use





This will call it from any page whatsoever. I have found any time your using an include, you should call it using this type of path to avoid the errors.




I just looked at the path in the error, you may need to use /html/i/includes/commons.inc.php.


To determine for sure, just echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; and see what path you get, then append the path you need to it.



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By using $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] your are setting the path from the root of your site.


You would use





This will call it from any page whatsoever. I have found any time your using an include, you should call it using this type of path to avoid the errors.




I just looked at the path in the error, you may need to use /html/i/includes/commons.inc.php.


To determine for sure, just echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; and see what path you get, then append the path you need to it.






Nate. It ended up that the path needed to be the file directly, for whatever reason. So it's just "commons.inc.php"


However, here is the error that followed.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare clean_url() (previously declared in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/24150/domains/classicia.com/html/wp-includes/formatting.php:1142) in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/24150/domains/classicia.com/html/i/includes/functions_base.inc.php on line 50


What does this mean? - Or is this digging too far, and there is another solution?


Thanks for the help.

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I took care of that, and now it brings me to this error.  I know this is generated by the image host script.  I looked around in the settings and can't seem to figure out what the path settings should be for it.  I tried a variety of paths and nothing seems to work.


The tpl_uploader.php is in the exact location of the error though, so it has to be thinking its in a different root directory


The template file 'templates/default/tpl_uploader.php' does not exist.

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Well, you can fight with paths and such or you can learn to use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] properly and avoid all path errors. I fought with include paths numerous times before discovering this little gem.


If you include a file as include('your_file.php') on a page in /some/directory  and then try to call it the same way in a file located in /some/other/directory it will return an error. use $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and it will not matter where the file calling the include lives because server doc_root is kinda like html's /start/at/root  syntax.


Your link that you provided gives a 404 error.


We can only speculate as to why your pages are ending up at the /i/ dir without seeing any code.



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Thank you for the help. I did learn how to use the Document Root function, and it works well.  However, after I fix all the directories to function properly I end up with other errors.


I'm working within wordpress, so it gives it a little more difficulty.  I really want this to play out smooth though, its important to me.


http://classicia.com/images/ < current url & error


I'm getting on a 16 hour flight in a few minutes so if my reply is slow, you'll know why. But i'd like to get this sorted out.


Thank you again.

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The errors are because of your paths.





if that don't work then try 




If neither of those work, then do this and post the results....



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The errors are because of your paths.





if that don't work then try 




If neither of those work, then do this and post the results....




Ok, I went through all the errors & fixed all the paths it was wanting.  And it's brought me to one other dilemma.




When you click the links on the uploader script, it goes directly to the specified page directly, leaving the wordpress page in which the script is included into...


Any ideas on how to keep it within that page? That might require one that's a wordpress experienced person...  Let me know if you have any ideas there.  Thanks for the help, and I'm trying to do everything possible to figure it out in between your replies.

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Finally. It's not fixed, but I've confirmed that it is a wordpress issue.


Thanks a MILLION for the help, especially with the directory specific issues.  I should be able to figure out everything from here.


Thanks again!

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