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Help creating a conditional statement?


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Hey all,  I'm pulling a big brain fart... I'm using this first query to grab jobs for a pay period (usually 7 days) after the user selects a month and billing cycle:


$ic = "	SELECT	id, dts, driver, date, job, pay_period, round(base,2) as base_round
FROM 	$databasename.$databasetable 
WHERE 	driver = '$username' AND left(dts, 15) = '$dts_select' AND pay_period = '".$_POST['pay_period']."'"; 


I then created this second query which grabs the values I'm going to need to use in a conditional statement:


$count = "	SELECT	date, count(date) as job_count, sum(base) as base_count
	FROM	d_ic_accounting.commission_report
	WHERE	driver = '$username' AND left(dts, 15) = '$dts_select' AND pay_period = '".$_POST['pay_period']."'
	GROUP BY	date";


I need the conditional statement to be like this: A driver must have at least ten jobs per day OR bring in at least $120.00 per day... can anyone please help me create this condition? It seems like it should be really easy, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out. Thanks!

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Pretty sure you can do this using pure MySQL.. you may want to take the question over to that forum... I could probably build a query for you with a bit of sample data, but I'd be going by trial and error and may take a few minutes.

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Thanks for the reply, Matt. I don't mind troubleshooting it a bit, I probably won't want to do it with pure MySQL because I'm going to need to include a couple other things into the condition... this is just the part I'm having a hard time with. Here's what I thought might work, but was sadly mistaken!


while ($count_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($count_query)); {
if ( 	$count_result['job_count'] >= '10' && $yes_status_result && array_sum($paid_total) < "350" || 
$count_result['base_count'] >= "120" && $yes_status_result && array_sum($paid_total) < "350" )
{ $grand_total = "350.00"; } else {
$grand_total = number_format(array_sum($paid_total) + $gas_addition, 2); }


I hope that doesn't look too confusing to you, anyways, what I'm trying to achieve with this is to echo out $350 if the driver meets all the conditions, but if they don't meet all of them, they get what they earned (which is less than $350). Kind of a "starters guarantee" if you will.

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Wanna send me some sample data and conditions? I'll see what i can muck up.


The trick here is making things as efficient as possible, rather than hacking together a solution :)


If you just want something hacked together, let me know. I like to avoid providing it as a 'solution' though...

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I see, how do you want the sample data... in a .sql file?

You could also just hack something together if you'd like... I could probably end up building on it and making it more efficient. Whichever is easiest for you man!

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