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I have searched quite a bit, and can't find anything to delete a folder and all of the files. I treid the glob function to output the files in a array, but that didn't work.


I also tried the user comments on the documentation page and http://putraworks.wordpress.com/2006/02/27/php-delete-a-file-or-a-folder-and-its-contents/



Is there one that works? The link above just outputs a blank page when I run the script provided...


I tried this:

$do = $_GET["do"];
$type = $_POST["type"];
$user = $_SESSION["user"];
echo "LOGGED OUT";
} else {
* Delete a file, or a folder and its contents
* @author Aidan Lister <[email protected]>
* @version 1.0.2
* @param string $dirname Directory to delete
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function rmdirr($dirname)
// Sanity check
if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
return false;

// Simple delete for a file
if (is_file($dirname)) {
return unlink($dirname);

// Loop through the folder
$dir = dir($dirname);
while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) {
// Skip pointers
if ($entry == ‘.’ || $entry == ‘..’) {

// Recurse

// Clean up
return rmdir($dirname);
rmdir("[b]../[/b]account/" . $user . "/" . $type);


Notice the periods signifying I want to delete a folder not in the current directory...



And I also tried it as a file in the root folder:


$do = $_GET["do"];
$type = $_POST["type"];
$user = $_SESSION["user"];
echo "LOGGED OUT";
} else {
* Delete a file, or a folder and its contents
* @author Aidan Lister <[email protected]>
* @version 1.0.2
* @param string $dirname Directory to delete
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
function rmdirr($dirname)
// Sanity check
if (!file_exists($dirname)) {
return false;

// Simple delete for a file
if (is_file($dirname)) {
return unlink($dirname);

// Loop through the folder
$dir = dir($dirname);
while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) {
// Skip pointers
if ($entry == ‘.’ || $entry == ‘..’) {

// Recurse

// Clean up
return rmdir($dirname);
rmdir("account/" . $user . "/" . $type);

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Ok, thanks :)



Also, is it possible to create a directory like this:




--[Directory i want to create]


-Add.php (The file creating the folder)



So the code:


$dir = "../account/Admin/Dir";



It doesn't work when I do that. Do I really have to specify an ABSOLUTE path?


echo "Checking files...<br/>";
$baseDir = "/../account/" . $user;
$dir = "/../account/" . $user . "/" . $type;
$dirTemplate = "/../template/" . $type;
$fileList = $dirTemplate . "/files.txt";
$passwords = md5($user);
$passwords = $passwords . ".txt";
$indexfile = $dirTemplate . "/index.html";
echo "Files Intact... Copying files... <br/>";
echo "Creating directory: $dir<br/>";
	echo "Fatal Error. Directory did not create";
} else {
	echo "Directory Created.<br/>";
$fileName = $fileList;
$fh = fopen($fileName, 'r');
$fileListB = fread($fh, filesize($fileName));
$fileListC = explode("\n",$fileListB);
echo "Template Exists... Copying Files...";
for ( $id = 0; $id <= $maxid; $id += 1) {
	$fileT = $dirTemplate . "/" . $fileListC[$id];
	$fileD = $dir . "/" . $fileListC[$id];
		echo "Failed to copy $fileT to $fileD";
	} else {
		echo "Copy file: $fileT. Success!";


I removed the realpath...



Also, the mkdir function just doesn't work for some reason... It always returns false, and no directory is created. I chmoded everything to 777.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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