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Dropdown help

New Coder

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Hello all,

I hope somebody can help.


I have a web page with a number of text boxes and 1 dropdown list box which is populated from a DB. This list box displays alphanumeric item codes. I want the user to select an item code and then the description of that item appear in a text field next to it. Reloading the page is not desirable because of the other textboxes the user would have filled in.


Have I made sense?


here is a snippet of my code for the dropdown;


$sql="SELECT distinct item_code FROM item order by item_code"; 
$rs = mssql_query( $sql, $conn ) ;

echo '<select name="item_code">';  
echo '<option>Choose Item Code</option>';

while($row = mssql_fetch_array($rs))
 echo '<option value="'.$row[0].'"'.'>'.$row[0].'</option>';

echo '</select>';


Many Thanks

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I think you would have to use an onChange event or something similiar on the <select>.


Then along with that ajax or javascript to change the value of the text field dynamically.


Thats how i would do it.

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this may sound silly but did you make the connection to your database first.

Secondi think this is right

I think you would have to use an onChange event or something similiar on the <select>.


Then along with that ajax or javascript to change the value of the text field dynamically.


Thats how i would do it.


Put the same code in to your javascrit code as well.


hope that helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello All,


I have managed to find an guide on how to do this in AJAX. It almost works as I want but I would like to change it slightly and I'm having trouble with it.


The code uses 3 scripts/pages:


1. The index page where the dropdown exists:



	<title>Ajax Drop-down List Example</title>
	<script src="js/AjaxCode.js"></script>

<h2>Ajax Cascading Drop-down Example</h2>
  	$conn = @mssql_connect(  "server", "user", "password" )
      			or die( "Err:conn");
#select db
$rs = @mssql_select_db( "database", $conn)
		or die( "ERR:Db");

<table border="0" align= "center" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
		<th class="table" colspan="4">Items</th>
		<th class="tblleft">Item Code:</th>
		<td class="table"><?php 

$sql="SELECT item_code FROM item_codes"; 
$rs = mssql_query( $sql, $conn ) ;

echo '<select name="itemcode" id="itemcode" onChange="return itemcodeOnChange()">';  
echo '<option>Choose Item Code</option>';

while($row = mssql_fetch_array($rs))
  echo '<option value="'.$row[0].'"'.'>'.$row[0].'</option>';

echo '</select>';

<!-- drop down #2, list contents depend on value selected in drop-down #1 -->
    <!-- code in the file js/AjaxCode.js will populate this drop-down list                  -->
<select name="codedesc" id="codedesc" >


2. The JavaScript (AjaxCode.js):


// declare a global  XMLHTTP Request object
var XmlHttpObj;

// create an instance of XMLHTTPRequest Object, varies with browser type, try for IE first then Mozilla
function CreateXmlHttpObj()
// try creating for IE (note: we don't know the user's browser type here, just attempting IE first.)
	XmlHttpObj = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
		XmlHttpObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
		XmlHttpObj = null;
// if unable to create using IE specific code then try creating for Mozilla (FireFox) 
if(!XmlHttpObj && typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined") 
	XmlHttpObj = new XMLHttpRequest();

// called from onChange or onClick event of the item code dropdown list
function itemcodeOnChange() 
    var itemcode = document.getElementById("itemcode");
    // get selected item code from dropdown list
    var selecteditemcode = itemcode.options[itemcode.selectedIndex].value;
    // url of page that will send xml data back to client browser
    var requestUrl;

    requestUrl = "xml_data_provider.php" + "?filter=" + encodeURIComponent(selecteditemcode);

// verify XmlHttpObj variable was successfully initialized
        // assign the StateChangeHandler function ( defined below in this file)
        // to be called when the state of the XmlHttpObj changes
        // receiving data back from the server is one such change
	XmlHttpObj.onreadystatechange = StateChangeHandler;

	// define the iteraction with the server -- true for as asynchronous.
	XmlHttpObj.open("GET", requestUrl,  true);

	// send request to server, null arg  when using "GET"

// this function called when state of  XmlHttpObj changes
// we're interested in the state that indicates data has been
// received from the server
function StateChangeHandler()
// state ==4 indicates receiving response data from server is completed
if(XmlHttpObj.readyState == 4)
	// To make sure valid response is received from the server, 200 means response received is OK
	if(XmlHttpObj.status == 200)
		alert("problem retrieving data from the server, status code: "  + XmlHttpObj.status);

// populate the contents of the description dropdown list
function Populatedesc(descNode)
    var codedesc = document.getElementById("codedesc");
// clear the description list 
for (var count = codedesc.options.length-1; count >-1; count--)
	codedesc.options[count] = null;

var descNodes = descNode.getElementsByTagName('desc');
var idValue;
var textValue; 
var optionItem;
// populate the dropdown list with data from the xml doc
for (var count = 0; count < descNodes.length; count++)
   		textValue = GetInnerText(descNodes[count]);
	idValue = descNodes[count].getAttribute("id");
	optionItem = new Option( textValue, idValue,  false, false);
	codedesc.options[codedesc.length] = optionItem;

// returns the node text value 
function GetInnerText (node)
 return (node.textContent || node.innerText || node.text) ;


and the data handler (xml_data_provider.php):



    Header("Content-type: text/xml"); 
    // get query string params
$filter = rtrim($_GET['filter']);

    // build xml content for client JavaScript

$xml = '';

$conn = @mssql_connect(  "server", "user", "password" )
      			or die( "Err:conn");
#select db
$rs = @mssql_select_db( "database", $conn)
		or die( "ERR:Db");

$sql ="SELECT full_desc FROM item_codes where item_code =\"$filter\" "; 
$rs = mssql_query( $sql, $conn ) ;
$row = mssql_fetch_array($rs);

        $xml = $xml . '<title>';
        $xml = $xml . '<desc>'.$row['full_desc'].'</desc>';
        $xml = $xml . '</title>';

    // send xml to client
echo( $xml );


It does work and the second dropdown does populate with the correct description. However there will only ever be 1 result returned so a second dropdown is pointless. What would be more useful is if I can get it to fill in a text box instead.

I'm know I need to change this section of the code in the js file:


// populate the contents of the description dropdown list
function Populatedesc(descNode)
    var codedesc = document.getElementById("codedesc");
// clear the description list 
for (var count = codedesc.options.length-1; count >-1; count--)
	codedesc.options[count] = null;

var descNodes = descNode.getElementsByTagName('desc');
var idValue;
var textValue; 
var optionItem;
// populate the dropdown list with data from the xml doc
for (var count = 0; count < descNodes.length; count++)
   		textValue = GetInnerText(descNodes[count]);
	idValue = descNodes[count].getAttribute("id");
	optionItem = new Option( textValue, idValue,  false, false);
	codedesc.options[codedesc.length] = optionItem;

// returns the node text value 
function GetInnerText (node)
 return (node.textContent || node.innerText || node.text) ;


But this is where I am stuck.


Does anybody have any ideas?


Many Thanks

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