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This is more of a "i want your opinion" thread than a "i need help" one but I couldn't find a better spot to put this. Basically, I'm using a new system for members logging into my website because the last one was buggy, too complex, and not that secure.



$_SESSION[login] = "$row[id]";
$sid = $session_id();
$query = "INSERT INTO login (uid, ip, sid) VALUES ('$row[id]','$ip','$sid')";


$row[id] corresponds to the user's id from the "members" database.


Include.php (on every page)

if($_SESSION[login]) {
$sid = $session_id();
$uid = $_SESSION[login];
$query = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE uid='$uid'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if(($row[sid] != $sid) OR ($row[ip] != $ip)) {


Basically, if the session isn't destroyed, they get access to member privileges. Opinions?

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Heres a Quick clean up,

see comments

$uid = (int)$row['id']; //filter
$_SESSION['login'] = $uid; //no const's
session_regenerate_id(); //regenerate the Session ID
$sid = $session_id();
$query = "INSERT INTO login (uid, ip, sid) VALUES ('$uid','$ip','$sid')";





if($_SESSION['login']) { //No Cont's
session_regenerate_id(); //regenerate the Session ID
$sid = $session_id();
$uid = $_SESSION['login'];//No Cont's
$query = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE uid='$uid' AND sid='$sid' AND ip='$ip' ";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if($num_rows == 0) {
	$_SESSION['login'] = 0; //crear to be sure

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1) I wouldn't store the IP like that, because I know for a fact that AOL users can change IPs on every REQUEST they make to a page.  =/  Also, you should use ' ' or " " around your array keys, just in case.


What would you recommend than instead? Also, the code is based off a script/article written in 2003 so that's probably how I got the $session_id() use.

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Alright, I just read this post: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/sessions-and-cookies-adding-state-to-a-stateless-protocol


Which brings all of this into a better perspective. I understand now why the regenerate session id was used in Techie's correction. Looks like PHP has changed quite a bit since I've been writing the damned code lol. By the way, I'm still looking for suggestions for a simple, secure login system.

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1) I wouldn't store the IP like that, because I know for a fact that AOL users can change IPs on every REQUEST they make to a page.  =/  Also, you should use ' ' or " " around your array keys, just in case.


What would you recommend than instead? Also, the code is based off a script/article written in 2003 so that's probably how I got the $session_id() use.


I would personally recommend storing the IPs in an 'ip' table and associate them with user id's so you can tell which users connected from which IPs if you ever had to, BUT I wouldn't identify them with their IP.

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I usually force cookies. They're so much harder to steal than passing ids in the query string.


If the user doesn't want to set up a white list, then they can't log in. I wouldn't potentially compromise the security of other users to allow one paranoid/lazy person that blocks ALL cookies

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Yea but I'm designing this site for a company that wants any nobody to be able to sign up without problems. So if some stupid yahoo doesn't know they have cookies disabled, it's my fault that company loses that customer. Of course, that seems like a rare scenario.

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Yea but I'm designing this site for a company that wants any nobody to be able to sign up without problems. So if some stupid yahoo doesn't know they have cookies disabled, it's my fault that company loses that customer. Of course, that seems like a rare scenario.


Everyone has cookies on by default pretty much.  You'd have to intentionally turn them off.  I'd personally put something under the form that says Cookies must be enabled to use this site.  Read more...


And have link to tiny info page on why you need them.  And put a lock (like the SSL icon) next to the Cookies must be enabled... thing.  They'll be like "OH I NEED COOKIES".

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Most large and popular sites require cookies... especially when security is an issue.


The yahoo that is too stupid to sign up is the same one that'll post a session-id laced query string to an attacker... compromising their account (which you'll get blamed for ) and potentially other nasty things.

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Most large and popular sites require cookies... especially when security is an issue.


The yahoo that is too stupid to sign up is the same one that'll post a session-id laced query string to an attacker... compromising their account (which you'll get blamed for ) and potentially other nasty things.


Good points, guess I'll go cookies. Plus, I don't think it'll matter all to much in the future because were going to be purchasing SSL.

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Good points, guess I'll go cookies. Plus, I don't think it'll matter all to much in the future because were going to be purchasing SSL.


1) SSL doesn't protect against SQL injections and the like, it just prevents packet sniffing.


2) Use sessions, not cookies.  Although sessions use one cookie (to store the SESSID), they are more secure, faster, and easier to work with.

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Good points, guess I'll go cookies. Plus, I don't think it'll matter all to much in the future because were going to be purchasing SSL.


1) SSL doesn't protect against SQL injections and the like, it just prevents packet sniffing.


2) Use sessions, not cookies.  Although sessions use one cookie (to store the SESSID), they are more secure, faster, and easier to work with.


No I meant I'm going to use cookies in combination with sessions.

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Heres a Quick clean up,

see comments

$uid = (int)$row['id']; //filter
$_SESSION['login'] = $uid; //no const's
session_regenerate_id(); //regenerate the Session ID
$sid = $session_id();
$query = "INSERT INTO login (uid, ip, sid) VALUES ('$uid','$ip','$sid')";





if($_SESSION['login']) { //No Cont's
session_regenerate_id(); //regenerate the Session ID
$sid = $session_id();
$uid = $_SESSION['login'];//No Cont's
$query = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE uid='$uid' AND sid='$sid' AND ip='$ip' ";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
if($num_rows == 0) {
	$_SESSION['login'] = 0; //crear to be sure


Tried using this code and got: Warning: session_regenerate_id() [function.session-regenerate-id]: Cannot regenerate session id - headers already sent in /home/advanced/public_html/test/login.php on line 25


Not to mention that the user doesn't even stay logged in.

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