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Book/site suggestion on web structure


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Anybody know of a good book or web site that has information on how to structure a web site?  Topics on how a site should organize folders for files/images and how to efficiently PHP for web site header and navigation. I basically would like to know how some of the big sites like Digg.com or engadget.com would setup their site for better maintenance and page loading speeds.




oh and on site security

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This is the wrong place to post this.  I recommend Personal Experience.  I use to think that a lot of reading would help but it doesn't.  10 years spent reading about how to do something is not going to teach you as much as 1 year of actually "doing" it.

If you insist then head over to www.google.com and search "Safari Bookshelf". First result.  Sign up and pay for an account and then you'll never again have to ask "What book should I read to learn this".  There you can do a quick search and you will find almost every technical book that exists being displayed there that you can read in full.  This is a very helpful site and it was the last time I ever needed to be a technological/language book again.  I just go on there and perform a few searches...that mixed with google you can find almost anything.

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