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Yeah right wildteen88. You know, when you're dealing with technical information on a forum like this you have to remember you're not talking to yourself, you're talking to people that don't understand something. Fenway gave me a clue. Your article didn't have anything about a ?. And I still don't know what <- is all about. No answers.


So, from reading in a book I have, after the prepared statements clue, I guess ? is a place holder for something else. "It's a place holder for something." would have been an answer.


I'm still confused a bit. But in the code I'm looking at, the line after my example above is:


$query = $this->_db->quoteInto($query, $url . '%');


So I guess the ? is a placeholder for the $url variable.

<- is an arrow.



Your article didn't have anything about a ?.


Actually, I guess you didn't actually read the article -- don't blame wildteen88.



What are server-side prepared statements?


Prepared statements are the ability to set up a statement once, and then execute it many times with different parameters. They are designed to replace building ad hoc query strings, and do so in a more secure and efficient manner. A typical prepared statement would look something like:


SELECT * FROM Country WHERE code = ?


The ? is what is a called a placeholder. When you execute the above query, you would need to supply the value for it, which would replace the ? in the query above.


Anyway, since we can't guess what quoteInto does, it's hard to say... but since there are only two parameters, it appears that the placeholder will be substituted with "$url . %"

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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