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[SOLVED] DELETE FROM won't work.


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hi all. i am new to this php community. i am trying to do a simple delete a record from a database using variables. here is a sample of the code:



$ip = $_POST['ip'];

$vote = $_POST['vote'];

$limit = $_POST['limit'];

//and a $conn=mysql_connect which i removed for this

//and a mysql_select_db which i removed for this

$query_delete = "DELETE FROM `vote` WHERE hidden=48 AND ip = $ip AND number = $vote LIMIT $limit";

$result_delete = mysql_query($query_delete) or die(mysql_error());

echo "finished";



I have also tried:


$sql = 'DELETE * FROM `vote` WHERE `hidden` = 48 AND `number` = "$vote" AND `ip` = "$ip" LIMIT 1';

$result=mysql_query($sql,$conn) or die(mysql_error());






every time i either get: 1) a blank page 2) the code working properly (known by the echo) or 3) i get a mysql error.

if $ip = and $vote = 99 and $limit = 4 the error is:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '.190.255 AND number = 99 LIMIT 4' at line 1


which makes me thenk there is a problem with the ipaddress where the mysql is looking for a number, with one decimal instead of 3 in the ipaddress. i have tried putting single ( ' )and double ( " ) quotes around $ip and that does not work. if i try and submit the query my data base by entering:



DELETE FROM `vote` WHERE hidden=48 AND ip = "" AND number = 99 LIMIT 4

and click "go" my database confirms me that i want to delete it. so i know that the code is correct (and that is only if i have quotes "")


i feel like i have tried everything.... can anyone help? and i know its going to be something stupid and i'm going to kick my butt for it.....

thanks in advance




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if i put in

$sql = "DELETE * FROM vote WHERE hidden = '48' AND number = '$vote' AND ip = '$ip' LIMIT 1";


and run the code with $vote = 50 and $ip =

i get a mysql error of:


You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '* FROM vote WHERE hidden = '48' AND number = '50' AND ip = '' LIM' at line 1


so the only thing not in this error that is in the php code is the      $sql = "DELETE"       and the    IT 1    at the very end (the LIMIT 1)

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that is what i tried..... the:

$sql = "DELETE * FROM vote WHERE hidden = '48' AND number = '$vote' AND ip = '$ip' LIMIT 1";

and that gives me the same error    :-[


but i just had my mysql create code for me and it said the correct code is:

$sql = 'DELETE FROM `vote` WHERE `hidden` = 48 AND `number` = 99 AND CONVERT(`ip` USING utf8) = \'\' LIMIT 1;';

putting that in works correctly and will delete an entry where number = 99 and ip =


if i try and put in a "$vote" or a '$vote' (and switching the starting quotes $sql = "DEL.......) or a $vote


for the "$vote" i get no error, it appears that it finished but the records are still in the database

for the '$vote' i get mysql error:  You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\'\' LIMIT 1' at line 1

and for the $vote starting with $sql = "DEL...... i get the exact same mysql error as the '$vote' but with single quotes ($sql = 'DEL.....) i get a:

Unknown column '$vote' in 'where clause'



also the code mysql created for me had back slashes and double quotes arount the ipaddress \'\'


this is really bugging me..... ugh... i wish it would just work. lol. but i'll keep dreaming. lol

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so just playing aroud with the code, i got the $vote to work and the $limit to work by doing a:

$sql = "DELETE FROM `vote` WHERE `hidden` = 48 AND `number` = '$vote' AND CONVERT(`ip` USING utf8) = \"\" LIMIT $limit;";


but i still have no idea how to do the $ip because it is wrapped around a backslash and quotes \"\"

simply doing a:

...AND CONVERT(`ip` USING utf8) = '$ip' LIMIT $limit;";

or a:

AND CONVERT(`ip` USING utf8) = \"$ip\" LIMIT $limit;";

or a:

AND CONVERT(`ip` USING utf8) = \"'$ip'\" LIMIT $limit;";


does not give errors, and runs the code, but nothing gets deleated.... 

so i guess the real question is how do i put the $ip inside the backslash double quotes?


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