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I wanted the same for my site.  It will not happen.  The clock will only refresh when the page is refreshed in php.  I used liveclock.js found on google.  If a user has java turned off then it won't show so I put it in a place where it won't matter and did not put any further text around it.  You don't want to have "The current time is:                  " showing on your site.  Check out how I implemented it at http://www.jackiebrownmedical.ie


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I'll ask the obvious question - why do you want to do this?


Most of the people on the planet sit in front of a computer that has the current time displayed somewhere on their monitor. They don't need a web site to be displaying the same information (and web servers are often in a different time zone than the visitor so unless you adjust the time to the visitor or use the javascript suggestions, the time displayed is wrong anyway.)

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I'll ask the obvious question - why do you want to do this?


I thought the same.  My site had a live clock on it but it was in an input on the page so I couldn't get the page to validate without adding in a whole form to go with it.  So when I redid the site using css instead of tables I left the clock out.  All of a sudden I started getting mails from people who used the site for the clock.  6 of them had bookmarked the page so that they could call it up for the time and date.  Others just liked it and thought I should put it back.  So it's back... but not in an input this time.

My site is a very local site (Ireland) and visitors from outside the country are not much good to our business so I don't much care about the time coming up wrong in other time zones (if it is). 

My view now is that it is completely unneccessary to have a clock on your site but it is harmless and I personally quite like it. It adds a bit of movement to an otherwise static page without having to put in flash etc.

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