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Running where on joined tables


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Hi Guys, i really hope someone out there will be able to help me, i have been trying to figure this one out for a week.


i have a couple of tables named,





The aim of this page is to match a cendadates skills with a particular job.

each candedate has and id

ID    Candedate

1      Nick

2      Terry

3      James

In the skills table is a list of skills each having an id

for example

ID    Skill

1    math

2    english

3    science


in the candedateSkills are records with the candedats id and the skills that they have and their grade

Candedate    Skill    Grade

1                  1          4

1                  2          4

1                  3          4

meaning that Nick's skills are maths, english and science.


What i am tring to achieve is a sql statement where i can ask show me all the candedates where their skills are english grades maths and science with their grade,


in a plain english version of the query would be: tell me all the candedates who have a grade 4 in english and a grade 4 in science and a grade 4 in science


Thanks in advance, ive been reading the forum but have yet to find something that fits my particular situation


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Oh i thought i already had.

on the candedates table


ID    Candedate

1      Nick

2      Terry

3      James


on the skills table


ID    Skill

1    math

2    english

3    science


on the candedate skills table


Candedate    Skill    Grade

1                  1          4

1                  2          4

1                  3          4


Thanks for the quick reply

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Thanks for the reply zenag,

Ive tried the code out and am still running into some problems in the where clause.

Because i would be looking for something like



Skill = 1(the skill ID) and grade = 1 (the value of the grade)


But there may be many criteria like

Skill = 1(the skill ID) and grade = 1 (the value of the grade)

Skill = 2(the skill ID) and grade = 4 (the value of the grade)

Skill = 3(the skill ID) and grade = 2 (the value of the grade)

and only supply a record if all criteria is met


Just not sure how to work out the where part of the statement, i appreciate the help

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I'm not sure what you mean... you mean you want all matching pairs of (skillID, gradeValue)? That's not "all" criteria... unless you want only the ones where at least one row matches each one? Please clarify.

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Thanks for the replies everyone,

yeah i am trying to filter out the records where all the skillID and gradeValue criteria pairs are met,

So far what i have is


select * from candedates join candedateskills on candedateskills.candedateid = candedates.id  join skills on

skills.id = candedateskills.skillid where (candedateskills.skillid = '2' and skillvalue = '1') and (candedateskills.skillid = '10' and skillvalue = '1')

I think i may be taking the wrong approach

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where (candedateskills.skillid = '2' and skillvalue = '1') and (candedateskills.skillid = '10' and skillvalue = '1') 

(specify TABLE NAME BEFORE  skillvalue in where clause like candedateskills.skillid )

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