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create zip file from selected check boxes


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does anyone have any idea where to get a good start on something like this.  I have already created a file browser with individual file saving and deleting.  I am just trying to figure out how to create a zip file from the files selected with a checkbox, adding them to a zip folder and automatically generating a file that the user can save.


This is the code I am using to create the checkbox for each file.  $file displays the path of the file...so that it can be deleted/saved etc.....

<input type="checkbox" name="fileDelete[]" value="<?php echo $file; ?>">


This is what I'm using to delete the selected files

if (count($_POST['fileDelete'])) {

    foreach ($_POST['fileDelete'] as $file) {
        //Delete the file


I have tried several different zip classes with no luck to this point.  I finally got 1 of the zip classes to download individual files and the other one to zip the entire directory. 


Here is the zip class that I have been working with most recently.

* filename zipcreate.cls.php 
* description Create zip files on the fly 
* project 
* author redmonkey 
* version 0.2 
* status beta 
* support zipclass@redmonkey.com 
* license GPL 
* depends function unix2dostime() (found in supporting 
* function library (includes/functions.lib.php)) 
* notes zip file format can be found at 
* http://www.pkware.com/company/standards/appnote/ 
* notes the documented zip file format omits to detail 
* the required header signature for the data 
* descriptor (extended local file header) section 
* which is (0x08074b50). while many decompression 
* utilities will ignore this error, this signature 
* is vital for compatability with Stuffit Expander 
* for Mac if you have included the data descriptor 
* notes while using bzip2 compression offers a reduced 
* file size it does come at the expense of higher 
* system resources usage. the decompression 
* utility will also have to be compatabile with 
* at least v4.6 zip file format specification 
* file history 
* ============ 
* 01/01/2005 v0.1 initial version 
* 02/01/2005 v0.2 added checking and handling for files of 
* zero bytes in length 
class ZipCreate 
var $filedata; // file data 
var $cntrldir; // central directory record 
var $comment; // zip file comment 
var $offset; // local header offset tracker 
var $entries; // counter for total entries within the zip 
var $ztype; // current compression type 

* @return 
* @param string _ztype compression type to use, currently only supporting 
* gzip (deflated), bzip2, and store (no compression) 
* @desc constructor, initialise class variables and set compression 
* type (defaults to gzip (Deflated)) for files 
function ZipCreate($_ztype = 'gzip') 
$this->filedata = ''; 
$this->cntrldir = ''; 
$this->comment = ''; 
$this->offset = 0; 
$this->entries = 0; 

case 'gzip' : 
if (!function_exists('gzcompress')) 
trigger_error('Your PHP installation does not support gzip compression', E_USER_ERROR); 

$this->ztype = 'gzip'; 

case 'bzip2': 
if (!function_exists('bzcompress')) 
trigger_error('Your PHP installation does not support bzip2 compression', E_USER_ERROR); 

$this->ztype = 'bzip2'; 

case 'stored': 
$this->ztype = 'store'; 

default : 
// default to no (Stored) compression type for anything else 
$notice_msg = 'Unsupported compression type (' . $_ztype . ') using Stored instead'; 
$this->ztype = 'store'; 
trigger_error($notice_msg, E_USER_NOTICE); 

* @return 
* @param string _path directory path 
* @param string _timestamp unix timestamp for dir last modified date and time 
* @desc adds a directory record to the archive 
function add_dir($_path, $_timestamp = 0) 
return $this->add_file(null, $_path, $_timestamp); 

* @return 
* @param string _data file contents 
* @param string _name name of the file within the archive including path 
* @param int _timestamp unix timestamp for file last modified date and time 
* @desc adds a file to the archive 
function add_file($_data = null, $_name, $_timestamp = 0) 
if (is_null($_data)) // assume it's a directory 
$z_type = 'store'; // set compression to none 
$ext_fa = 0x10; // external file attributes 
$_data = ''; // initialise $_data 
elseif ($_data == '') // assume a zero byte length file 
$z_type = 'store'; // set compression to none 
$ext_fa = 0x20; // external file attributes 
else // assume it's a file 
$z_type = $this->ztype; 
$ext_fa = 0x20; // external file attributes 

// remove leading and trailing spaces from filename 
// and correct any erros with directory seperators 
$_name = trim(str_replace('\\\'', '/', $_name)); 

// remove any invalid path definitions 
$_name = preg_replace('/^([A-z]:\/+|\.?\/+)/', '', $_name); 

// set last modified time of file in required DOS format 
$mod_time = unix2dostime($_timestamp); 

case 'gzip': 
$min_ver = 0x14; // minimum version needed to extract (2.0) 
$zmethod = 0x08; // compression method 
$c_data = gzcompress($_data); // compress file 
$c_data = substr($c_data, 2, -4); // fix crc bug 

case 'bzip2': 
$min_ver = 0x2e; // minimum version needed to extract (4.6) 
$zmethod = 0x0c; // compression method 
$c_data = bzcompress($_data); // compress file 

default : // default to stored (no) compression 
$min_ver = 0x0a; // minimum version needed to extract (1.0) 
$zmethod = 0x00; // compression method 
$c_data = $_data; 

// file details 
$crc32 = crc32($_data); // crc32 checksum of file 
$c_len = strlen($c_data); // compressed length of file 
$uc_len = strlen($_data); // uncompressed length of file 
$fn_len = strlen($_name); // length of filename 

// pack file data 
$filedata = pack('VvvvVVVVvva' . $fn_len . 'a' . $c_len . 'VVVV', 
0x04034b50, // local file header signature (4 bytes) 
$min_ver, // version needed to extract (2 bytes) 
0x08, // gen purpose bit flag (2 bytes) 
$zmethod, // compression method (2 bytes) 
$mod_time, // last modified time and date (4 bytes) 
0, // crc-32 (4 bytes) 
0, // compressed filesize (4 bytes) 
0, // uncompressed filesize (4 bytes) 
$fn_len, // length of filename (2 bytes) 
0, // extra field length (2 bytes) 
$_name, // filename (variable length) 
$c_data, // compressed data (variable length) 
0x08074b50, // extended local header signature (4 bytes) 
$crc32, // crc-32 (4 bytes) 
$c_len, // compressed filesize (4 bytes) 
$uc_len); // uncompressed filesize (4 bytes) 

// add to filedata 
$this->filedata .= $filedata; 

// pack file data and add to central directory 
$this->cntrldir .= pack('VvvvvVVVVvvvvvVVa' . $fn_len, 
0x02014b50, // central file header signature (4 bytes) 
0x14, // version made by (2 bytes) 
$min_ver, // version needed to extract (2 bytes) 
0x08, // gen purpose bit flag (2 bytes) 
$zmethod, // compression method (2 bytes) 
$mod_time, // last modified time and date (4 bytes) 
$crc32, // crc32 (4 bytes) 
$c_len, // compressed filesize (4 bytes) 
$uc_len, // uncompressed filesize (4 bytes) 
$fn_len, // length of filename (2 bytes) 
0, // extra field length (2 bytes) 
0, // file comment length (2 bytes) 
0, // disk number start (2 bytes) 
0, // internal file attributes (2 bytes) 
$ext_fa, // external file attributes (4 bytes) 
$this->offset, // relative offset of local header (4 bytes) 
$_name); // filename (variable length) 

// update offset tracker 
$this->offset += strlen($filedata); 

// increment entry counter 

// cleanup 
unset($c_data, $filedata, $ztype, $min_ver, $zmethod, $mod_time, $c_len, $uc_len, $fn_len); 

* @return 
* @param string _comment zip file comment 
* @desc adds a comment to the archive 
function add_comment($_comment) 
$this->comment = $_comment; 

* @return string the zipped file 
* @desc throws everything together and returns it 
function build_zip() 
$com_len = strlen($this->comment); // length of zip file comment 

return $this->filedata // .zip file data (variable length) 
. $this->cntrldir // .zip central directory record (variable length) 
. pack('VvvvvVVva' . $com_len, 
0x06054b50, // end of central dir signature (4 bytes) 
0, // number of this disk (2 bytes) 
0, // number of the disk with start of 
// central directory record (2 bytes) 
$this->entries, // total # of entries on this disk (2 bytes) 
$this->entries, // total # of entries overall (2 bytes) 
strlen($this->cntrldir), // size of central dir (4 bytes) 
$this->offset, // offset to start of central dir (4 bytes) 
$com_len, // .zip file comment length (2 bytes) 
$this->comment); // .zip file comment (variable length) 

* filename functions.lib.php 
* description Supporting functions for zipcreate.cls.php, 
* zipextract.cls.php 
* project 
* author redmonkey 
* version 0.1 
* status beta 
* support zipclass@redmonkey.com 
* license GPL 
* file history 
* ============ 
* 01/01/2005 v0.1 initial version 

* @return int DOS date and time 
* @param int _timestamp Unix timestamp 
* @desc returns DOS date and time of the timestamp or 
* current local time if no timestamp is given 
function unix2dostime($_timestamp = 0) 
$timebit = ($_timestamp == 0) ? getdate() : getdate($_timestamp); 

if ($timebit['year'] < 1980) 
return (1 << 21 | 1 << 16); 

$timebit['year'] -= 1980; 

return ($timebit['year'] << 25 | $timebit['mon'] << 21 | 
$timebit['mday'] << 16 | $timebit['hours'] << 11 | 
$timebit['minutes'] << 5 | $timebit['seconds'] >> 1); 

* @return int Unix timestamp 
* @param int _dostime DOS date and time 
* @desc converts a DOS date and time integer to a Unix 
* timestamp 
function dos2unixtime($_dostime) 
$sec = 2 * ($_dostime & 0x1f); 
$min = ($_dostime >> 5) & 0x3f; 
$hrs = ($_dostime >> 11) & 0x1f; 
$day = ($_dostime >> 16) & 0x1f; 
$mon = ($_dostime >> 21) & 0x0f; 
$year = (($_dostime >> 25) & 0x7f) + 1980; 

return mktime($hrs, $min, $sec, $mon, $day, $year); 

* @return bool true on sccuess false on failure 
* @param string _path path of directories to create 
* @param int _modtime timestamp to set last modified time of directory 
* @param string _dir base directory to start creating directories in 
* @desc loops through the individual directories in $_path 
* and attempts to create any that do not exist 
function make_dirs($_path, $_modtime = false, $_dir = '.') 
if ($_path == './') 
return true; 

$_dir = $_dir == '/' ? '' : $_dir; 

$_modtime = !is_integer($_modtime) ? time() : $_modtime; 

$dirs = explode('/', $_path); 

for ($i = 0, $n_dirs = count($dirs); $i < $n_dirs; $i++) 
$_dir = $_dir . '/' . $dirs[$i]; 
if (!is_dir($_dir)) 
if(!@mkdir($_dir, 0755)) 
return false; 

if ($i == ($n_dirs -1)) 
// supress errors as this does not work on win32 platforms 
@touch($_dir, $_modtime); 

return true; 

* @return int position of last occurrence of _needle in 
* _haystack 
* @param string _haystack string to be searched 
* @param string _needle search string 
* @param int _offset position to start search 
* @desc find position of last occurrence of a string 
* within a string 
function _strrpos($_haystack, $_needle, $_offset = 0) 
if ((int) array_shift(explode('.', phpversion())) > 4) 
return strrpos($_haystack, $_needle, $_offset); 

$_haystack = $_offset < 0 ? substr($_haystack, 0, $_offset) 
: substr($_haystack, $_offset); 

$pos = strpos(strrev($_haystack), strrev($_needle)); 

if ($pos !== false) 
$pos = strlen($_haystack) - strlen($_needle) - $pos; 

return $_offset > 0 ? $pos + $_offset : $pos; 
return false; 


Here is an example for uploading zipped files

* filename zipcreate.ex1.php 
* description Example of reading a few files into the 
* archive, then saving the zip archive to file 
* author redmonkey 

$zipname = 'example.zip'; 

$ZIP = new ZipCreate(); 

$infile = './newzip/example.php'; 
if ($fp = @fopen($infile, 'rb')) 
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($infile)); 
$ZIP->add_file($contents, 'example.php', filemtime($infile)); 

$infile = './newzip/example1.php'; 
if ($fp = @fopen($infile, 'rb')) 
$contents = fread($fp, filesize($infile)); 
$ZIP->add_file($contents, 'images/example.jpg', filemtime($infile)); 

if ($fp = @fopen($zipname, 'wb')) 
fwrite($fp, $ZIP->build_zip()); 


I have been using this to get the entire directory to download.  The sub directories is not though.


#Get the current Folder
$currentFolder = "../" . basename(dirname(__FILE__));

$zip_dir = $currentFolder; 
$zipname = 'example.zip'; 
$cur_dir = getcwd(); 

$ZIP = new ZipCreate(); 

if (chdir($zip_dir)) 
// note parse_dir function can be found at the bottom of this 
// script. 
list ($files, $directories) = parse_dir(); 

if (is_array($directories) && count($directories > 0)) 
foreach ($directories as $dir) 
$ZIP->add_dir($dir, filemtime($dir)); 

if (is_array($files) && count($files > 0)) 
foreach ($files as $name) 
$fsize = filesize($name); 

if ($fsize > 0) 
if ($fp = @fopen($name, 'rb')) 
$contents = fread($fp, $fsize); 
if (substr($name, 0, 2) == './') 
$name = substr($name, 2); 

$ZIP->add_file($contents, $name, filemtime($name)); 
$ZIP->add_file('', $name, filemtime($name)); 

$comment = 'Example 3 using ZipCreate to zip an' . "\x0a"; 
$comment .= 'entire directory structure. This will' . "\x0a"; 
$comment .= 'also add entries for any empty' . "\x0a"; 
$comment .= 'directories if present.' . "\x0a"; 

// add a global comment to the zip file 

// write the zip file to file 
if ($fp = @fopen($zipname, 'wb')) 
fwrite($fp, $ZIP->build_zip()); 

function parse_dir($dir = '.', $recurse = true) 
$files = array(); 
$directories = array(); 

if ($dh = @opendir($dir)) 
//list the files in the dir 
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) 
// ignore entries for current and parent directory, also 
// avoid symlinks until we decide if it a good idea to follow 
// them or not. 
if ($file != '..' && $file != '.' && @filetype($file) != 'link') 
if (is_dir ($dir . '/' . $file)) 
$directories[] = $dir . '/' . $file; 
if ($recurse) 
// let's go round again 
list ($tmp_files, $tmp_dirs) = parse_dir($dir . '/' . $file); 

if ($tmp_dirs != false) 
$directories = array_merge($directories, $tmp_dirs); 

if ($tmp_files != false) 
$files = array_merge($files, $tmp_files); 
// make sure it is a file before blindly adding it as one 
elseif (is_file ($dir . '/' . $file)) 
$files[] = $dir."/".$file; 
closedir ($dh); 
// failed to open directory to return false 
return array(false, false); 

return array($files, $directories); 


Like I said any help on creating a zip file from selected checkboxes would be great.  If it won't work with this script that would be great to know!

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