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[SOLVED] Image Retreival


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Hi. I am trying to retrieve an image from a folder on the server, each time the page is refreshed a random image from the folder appears.


Here is what I have got so far, and well its not working, and I am swimming far out at sea...


Would be greatful to anyone that could give some help.


$dir = "/frontpage/";

if (is_dir($dir)) {
    if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
        while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
	echo "<img src=".$file." />" . filetype($dir . $file) . "\n";

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You want to display a random image from that folder?



$dir = "/frontpage/";

$files = scandir($dir); //Note, PHP5+
$rand = rand() % (count($files) - 2) + 2;
echo "<img src=".$files[$rand]." />" . filetype($dir . $file[$rand]) . "\n";




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Try this:



function random_file ($dirname)
	return false;
if(!$h = opendir($dirname))
	return false;

$files = array();
while($file = readdir($h) !== FALSE)
		$files[] = $file;

return $files[array_rand($files)];

$dir = "/frontpage/";
$img = random_file($dir);
if($img !== false)
echo "<img src=".$img." />" . filetype($dir.$img) . "\n";





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You could just emulate the scandir function in his code from earlier...


$dir = "/frontpage/";

if(!function_exists('scandir')) {
   function scandir($dir) {
       $d = opendir($dir);
       $r = array();
       while(false !== ($f = readdir($d))) {
           $r[] = $f;
       return $r;

$files = scandir($dir);
$rand = rand() % (count($files) - 2) + 2;
echo "<img src=".$files[$rand]." />" . filetype($dir . $file[$rand]) . "\n";

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Well crap.... Editing the old post is breaking the HTML.... I guess I'll repost it... Sorry for the multiple posting x.x.



$dir = "/frontpage/";

if(!function_exists('scandir')) {
    function scandir($dir) {
        $d = opendir($dir);
        $r = array();
        while(false !== ($f = readdir($d))) {
            $r[] = $f;
        return $r;

$files = scandir($dir);
$rand = rand() % (count($files) - 2) + 2;
echo "<img src=".$files[$rand]." />" . filetype($dir . $file[$rand]) . "\n";


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No problem, thanks for helping


I am afraid there are errors


Warning: opendir(/2/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home/content/a/1/6/a16538296/html/index1.php on line 12


Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /home/content/a/1/6/a16538296/html/index1.php on line 14


Warning: filetype(): Lstat failed for (null) (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in /home/content/a/1/6/a16538296/html/index1.php on line 23


I have checked the name of the folder, and its defo correct, so not sure

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If it were correct, you wouldn't be getting errors ;p....


Well, you might still.... Does PHP have read access to the target directory?


Also, /2/ means the directory 2 from the root of the drive....  Do you mean the root of the drive, or do you want PHP to access a directory a level below the php file?  If so, it needs to be 2/, not /2/.



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Couldn't you do like:

$top=10; //How many images you have... or anything I guess.

while (!$done) {
  while ($file=readdir($od)) {
    if ($nr==$rand) {
      header("Content-type image/".filetype($dir."".$file));



Not tested :P. I hope it works, I'm kind of tired right now though.

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$top=6; //How many images you have... or anything I guess.

while ($ndone) {
  while ($file=readdir($od)) {
    if ($nr==$rand) {



Grabs a random file and reads the contents. Problem is, I can't get the header to work (above readfile) so it can display as an image :/.

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