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Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start() in admin.php on line 2


my code:


$con = mssql_connect($dblocation,$dbusername,$dbpassword);

if (!$con)
die('Could not connect: ' . mssql_error());

mssql_select_db($dbname, $con);

$dbP_notice = "*Note* - Changing the password here does not change your databases password.".PHP_EOL."Use this to update your database password in Lotus only.";
$AP_notice = "*Note* - This will only update the Master Admins Password".PHP_EOL."If you have setup other users with Admin Permissions they will have to update their passwords via User Control Panel";
$MA_notice = "*Note* - The Master Admin is the only user with an Email address. Changing the Master Admin does NOT change the Admin Email.".PHP_EOL."This is the first user created when installing.";

if(!(isset($CloseSun))){$CloseSun ='no';}else{$CloseSun=$CloseSun;}
if(!(isset($CloseMon))){$CloseMon ='no';}else{$CloseMon=$CloseMon;}
if(!(isset($CloseTues))){$CloseTues ='no';}else{$CloseTues=$CloseTues;}
if(!(isset($CloseWens))){$CloseWens ='no';}else{$CloseWens=$CloseWens;}
if(!(isset($CloseThur))){$CloseThur ='no';}else{$CloseThur=$CloseThur;}
if(!(isset($CloseFri))){$CloseFri ='no';}else{$CloseFri=$CloseFri;}
if(!(isset($CloseSat))){$CloseSat ='no';}else{$CloseSat=$CloseSat;}

if($CloseSun=='yes'){$CheckSun=' checked';}else{$CheckSun="";}
if($CloseMon=='yes'){$CheckMon=' checked';}else{$CheckMon="";}
if($CloseTues=='yes'){$CheckTues=' checked';}else{$CheckTues="";}
if($CloseWens=='yes'){$CheckWens=' checked';}else{$CheckWens="";}
if($CloseThur=='yes'){$CheckThur=' checked';}else{$CheckThur="";}
if($CloseFri=='yes'){$CheckFri=' checked';}else{$CheckFri="";}
if($CloseSat=='yes'){$CheckSat=' checked';}else{$CheckSat="";}

$ZRoom= array(' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' ');
$ZRQty= array('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0');
$ZCapa= array('0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0');

$RQtySQL = "SELECT [Qty] FROM [".$tblpre."Rooms]";
$RQtyresult = mssql_query($RQtySQL) or die(mssql_error());

$CapaSQL = "SELECT [Capacity] FROM [".$tblpre."Rooms]";
$Caparesult = mssql_query($CapaSQL) or die(mssql_error());

$RoomSQL = "SELECT [Room] FROM [".$tblpre."Rooms]";
$Roomresult = mssql_query($RoomSQL)or die(mssql_error());
while($Roomrow = mssql_fetch_row($Roomresult))

$ItemSQL = "SELECT [itemName] FROM [".$tblpre."Equipment]";
$Itemresult = mssql_query($ItemSQL)or die(mssql_error());
while($Itemrow = mssql_fetch_row($Itemresult))
//# QTYZ
$QtySQL = "SELECT [Qty] FROM [".$tblpre."Equipment]";
$Qtyresult = mssql_query($QtySQL) or die(mssql_error());

$AdminSql="SELECT [username] FROM [".$tblpre."users]  WHERE Ident='1'";
$Aresult=mssql_query($AdminSql)or die(mssql_error());

//* Snatch Admin Email *//
$SnatchAE = "SELECT [Email] FROM [".$tblpre."users] WHERE Ident='1'";
$result = mssql_query($SnatchAE)or die(mssql_error());
while($row = mssql_fetch_row($result))

echo('<span style=\'color:red;\'>PERMISSION DENIED:</span> You do not have access to this page.');

<head><title>Lotus v.1 - Admin Interface</title>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='admin.css' />
<script type='text/css' src='admin.js'></script>
<div id='main'>
<table width='100%'>
	<td colspan='3' width='100%'><center><h2>L.O.T.U.S. v1 - Admin Page</h2></center></td>
				<td><span class='bigtext'>SETUP ROOMS</span></td>
					<fieldset><legend>Setup Rooms</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Crs_info.php' method='post'>
									<td> </td>
									<td>Room Name</td>
									<td><label>Room #1: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[0]."' name='Room1' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[0]."' name='Capa1' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[0]."' name='RQty1' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #2: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[1]."' name='Room2' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[1]."' name='Capa2' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[1]."' name='RQty2' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #3: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[2]."' name='Room3' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[2]."' name='Capa3' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[2]."' name='RQty3' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #4: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[3]."' name='Room4' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[3]."' name='Capa4' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[3]."' name='RQty4' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #5: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[4]."' name='Room5' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[4]."' name='Capa5' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[4]."' name='RQty5' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #6: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[5]."' name='Room6' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[5]."' name='Capa6' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[5]."' name='RQty6' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #7: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[6]."' name='Room7' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[6]."' name='Capa7' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[6]."' name='RQty7' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #8: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[7]."' name='Room8' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[7]."' name='Capa8' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[7]."' name='RQty8' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #9: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[8]."' name='Room9' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[8]."' name='Capa9' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[8]."' name='RQty9' /></td>
									<td><label>Room #10: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Room Name Here' value='".$ZRoom[9]."' name='Room10' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Max Room Capacity ex. 50".PHP_EOL."(Measurment 1 Person = 1 Unit)' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZCapa[9]."' name='Capa10' /></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='# Of Rooms' maxlength='3' size='3' value='".$ZRQty[9]."' name='RQty10' /></td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td colspan='2'><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
	<td> </td>
				<td><span class='bigtext'>SETUP USERS</span></td>
					<fieldset><legend>New User</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Cus_info.php' method='post'>
									<td><label>Username: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter New Username Here' name='NewUser' /></td>
									<td><label>Password: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Password Here' name='NewUpass' /></td>
									<td><label>Permission: </label></td>
										<select title='Set Permission' name='NewPermish'>
											<option value='42'>Administrator</option>
											<option value='1'>Normal User</option>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td style='text-align:right;'><input type='reset' value='reset' /></td>
									<td><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
					<fieldset><legend>Update User Info</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Cus_info.php' method='post'>
									<td><label>Username: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Username Here' name='UpUser' /></td>
									<td><label>Password: </label></td>
									<td><input type='password' title='Enter Password Here' name='UpPass' /></td>
									<td><label>Permission: </label></td>
										<select title='Set Permission' name='UpPermish'>
											<option value='42'>Administrator</option>
											<option value='1'>Normal User</option>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td style='text-align:right;'><input type='reset' value='reset' /></td>
									<td><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
					<fieldset><legend>Delete User</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Cus_info.php' method='post'>
									<td><label>Delete Username: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Username to DELETE' name='destroyuser' /></td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td style='text-align:right;'><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td><input type='submit' value='Delete' /></td>
				<td><span class='bigtext'>SETUP EQUIPMENT</span></td>
					<fieldset><legend>Equipment Setup</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Ces_info.php' method='post'>
									<td> </td>
									<td>Item Name</td>
									<td><label>Item #1: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[0]."' name='Item1' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[0]."' name='Qty1' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #2: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[1]."' name='Item2' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[1]."' name='Qty2' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #3: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[2]."' name='Item3' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[2]."' name='Qty3' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #4: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[3]."' name='Item4' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[3]."' name='Qty4' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #5: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[4]."' name='Item5' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[4]."' name='Qty5' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #6: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[5]."' name='Item6' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[5]."' name='Qty6' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #7: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[6]."' name='Item7' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[6]."' name='Qty7' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #8: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[7]."' name='Item8' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[7]."' name='Qty8' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #9: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[8]."' name='Item9' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[8]."' name='Qty9' /></td>
									<td><label>Item #10: </label></td>
									<td><input title='Enter Item Name Here' type='text' value='".$ZItem[9]."' name='Item10' /></td>
									<td><input title='# of Items' type='text' size='3' maxlength='3' value='".$ZQty[9]."' name='Qty10' /></td>
									<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>
									<td colspan='2'><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
	<td> </td>
				<td><br /><span class='bigtext'>SETUP SERVICES/OPERATING HOURS</span></td>
						<form action='Ca_info/Cserv_info.php' method='post'>
									<td><label>Service #1: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Service Name Here' name='Serv1' /></td>
										<select name='ServAvail1' title='Is service Available?'>
											<option value='Yes'>Yes</option>
											<option value='No'>No</option>
									<td><label>Service #2: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Service Name Here' name='Serv2' /></td>
										<select name='ServAvail2' title='Is service Available?'>
											<option value='Yes'>Yes</option>
											<option value='No'>No</option>
									<td><label>Service #3: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Service Name Here' name='Serv3' /></td>
										<select name='ServAvail3' title='Is service Available?'>
											<option value='Yes'>Yes</option>
											<option value='No'>No</option>
									<td><label>Service #4: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Service Name Here' name='Serv4' /></td>
										<select name='ServAvail4' title='Is service Available?'>
											<option value='Yes'>Yes</option>
											<option value='No'>No</option>
									<td><label>Service #5: </label></td>
									<td><input type='text' title='Enter Service Name Here' name='Serv5' /></td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
					<br />
				<td><span class='bigtext'>BUSINESS HOURS</span></td>
					<fieldset><legend>Business Hours</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Coh_info.php' method='post'>
									<td colspan='2'><label>Begin: </label></td>
									<td colspan='4'><input title='Beginning Hour".PHP_EOL."Ex. 8:00' name='BHour' /></td>
									<td colspan='1'>
										<select title='AM OR PM?' name='AoP1'>
											<option value='am'>AM</option>
											<option value='pm'>PM</option>
									<td colspan='2'><label>End: </label></td>
									<td colspan='4'><input title='Ending Hour".PHP_EOL."Ex. 8:00' name='EHour' /></td>
									<td colspan='1'>
										<select title='AM OR PM?' name='AoP2'>
											<option value='pm'>PM</option>
											<option value='am'>AM</option>
									<td> </td>
									<td><input name='CSun' type='checkbox'".$CheckSun." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='SunClosed' /></td>
									<td><input name='CMon' type='checkbox'".$CheckMon." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='MonClosed' /></td>
									<td><input name='CTue' type='checkbox'".$CheckTues." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='TueClosed' /></td>
									<td><input name='CWen' type='checkbox'".$CheckWens." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='WenClosed' /></td>
									<td><input name='CThur' type='checkbox'".$CheckThur." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='ThuClosed' /></td>
									<td><input name='CFri' type='checkbox'".$CheckFri." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='FriClosed' /></td>
									<td><input name='CSat' type='checkbox'".$CheckSat." title='Check to be closed this day.' value='SatClosed' /></td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td style='text-align:right;' colspan='3'><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td colspan='4'><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
				<td><span class='bigtext'>SERVER INFO</span>_C</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Server Info</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Cws_info.php' method='post'>
									<td class='WSform'><label>Domain Name: </label></td>
									<td class='WSform'><input title='Your domain name or IP".PHP_EOL."Ex. www.computrain-lap.com or' type='text' value='".$domain."' name='domain' /></td>
									<td class='WSform'><label>Script Path: </label></td>
									<td class='WSform'><input title='This is the root folder path to lotus. Ex. /lotus/' type='text' value='".$sPath."' name='Spath' /></td>
									<td class='WSform'><label>Master Admin User: </label></td>
									<td class='WSform'><input title='".$MA_notice."' type='text' value='".$Zadmin."' name='AMuser' /></td>
									<td class='WSform'><label>Update Admin Password: </label></td>
									<td class='WSform'><input title='".$AP_notice."' type='password' name='Apassword' /></td>
									<td class='WSform'><label>Update Admin Email: </label></td>
									<td class='WSform'><input title='Update E-mail for Master Admin' type='text' value='".$Zemail."' name='Aemail' /></td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
	<td> </td>
				<td><br /><span class='bigtext'>DATABASE INFO</span>_C<br />Keep in mind that you must change this information in lotus first.<br />Then Immediately Change in your database server.</td>
					<fieldset><legend>Database Info</legend>
						<form action='Ca_info/Cdb_info.php' method='post'>
									<td class='DBform'><label>Server Name: </label></td>
									<td class='DBform'><input title='Usually localhost or ex. www.computrain-lap.com' type='text' value='". $dblocation ."' name='dblocation' /></td>
									<td class='DBform'><label>Server Port: </label></td>
									<td class='DBform'><input title='Leave blank unless using non-standard port' type='text' value='". $dbport ."' name='dbport' /></td>
									<td class='DBform'><label>Database Name: </label></td>
									<td class='DBform'><input title='Name of your database ex. Mydatabase' type='text' value='". $dbname ."' name='Udbname' /></td>
									<td class='DBform'><label>Database Username: </label></td>
									<td class='DBform'><input title='Username for your database' type='text' value='". $dbusername ."' name='dbusername' /></td>
									<td class='DBform'><label>Update Database Password: </label></td>
									<td class='DBform'><input title='". $dbP_notice ."' type='password' name='UdbP'  /></td>
									<td class='DBform'><label>Database Table Pre-fix: </label></td>
									<td class='DBform'><input title='Pre-fix used when populating Database with Tables.".PHP_EOL."(Read Only)' value='". $tblpre ."' name='prefix' READONLY/></td>
									<td> </td>
									<td> </td>
									<td><input type='reset' value='Reset' /></td>
									<td><input type='submit' value='Submit' /></td>
</div><!-- MAIN DIV //-->

	echo('<span style=\'color:red;\'>PERMISSION DENIED:</span> You do not have access to this page.');


Fixed the variables but why does it keep saying session already started when it was only started on a previous page.. php manual says in order to keep the session going you need to have session_start() atop all your pages.

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no there is an install page prior to this page..where the session is intially started and permissions are set to admin.. so the intallee can get to the admin interface. The config.php file thats being included here.. only contains database connection information.

as soon as i removed the line.. and refreshed the page I got a denied access message. so the session was no longer active


it only seems to be doing it right after installation.


why would it tho if they are two seperate pages?


here is the code for the install page.


//* Fails vs Successz *//
	echo("<font color='red'># of Failed Queries: " . $CFai . "</font><br /><br />");
	echo("<font color='green'># of Successful Queries: " . $CSuc . "</font><br /><br />");
		echo("<h1>Installation Status: <font color='green'>Successful!</font></h1>");
		echo("Congrats!, You have successfully installed Lotus beta v1.0<br />Please delete your 'Install' folder, and continue on to the Admin Interface for setup.<br /><br />");
		echo("Follow the link below to the Admin Interface.<br />If your Install folder has not been deleted you will not have access to the schedule system. Only the Admin Interface.<br /><br />");
		echo("<a href='http://".$domain.$sPath."admin/index.php'>Click here to Finish Install and Setup your Schedule system.</a>");
		echo("<h1>Installation Status: <font color='red'>FAILED!</font></h1>");
echo("Installation Status: FAILED!");

nvrm lol i'm such a dummy.. I've been working on these pages for so long I forgot I routed you through to the admin page with an Index.php page.. which u can guess.. has a session_start in it and includes in the admin page...


lol completely forgot it was included.




thanx for helping me tho I really appreciate it. :)

If that is the whole error message (and I am guessing that it is not, based on the post you just made) and you are browsing directly to admin.php and you are not doing anything with includes or iframes, then it is likely that session.auto_start is turned on somewhere (you would be getting this error message for any file that contains a session_start() statement.)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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