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Ok, after debugging my code, here is a full working example:

$default_vals = array('firstname' => '- Enter First Name -', 'lastname' => '- Enter Last Name -','state' => ' - Enter State -');
$err_fields = array();
foreach ($_POST as $fld => $val) {
    switch ($fld) {
        case 'firstname':   // these are al the fields that must be filled in
        case 'lastname':
        case 'street':
        case 'city':
        case 'state':
        case 'zip':
              if (array_key_exists($fld,$default_vals))
                      $val = str_replace($default_vals[$fld],'',$val);   // remove the default value from the entered value
              if (strlen(trim(stripslashes($val))) == 0) { //field is blank
                  $err_fields[] = $fld;
        case 'something':
        case 'somethingelse':
//            do another validation on different content
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">


$flds = array('firstname','lastname','street','city','state','zip');
$tmp = array();
$tmp[] = '<form method="post" action="">';
foreach ($flds as $fld) {
    $red = (in_array($fld,$err_fields))?' style="color:red"':'';
    $val = (isset($_POST[$fld]) && $_POST[$fld] != $default_vals[$fld])?htmlentities(trim(stripslashes($_POST[$fld])),ENT_QUOTES):$default_vals[$fld];
    $tmp[] = '<label for="' . $fld . '" ' . $red . '>' . ucwords($fld) . '</label>';
    $tmp[] = '<input type="text" name="' . $fld . '" id="' . $fld . '" value="' . $val . '"><br>';
$tmp[] = '<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Enter the information">';
$tmp[] = '</form>';
echo implode("\n",$tmp) . "\n";




  • 2 weeks later...

kenrbnsn -- 


I have looked at your code, it looks good, but here is the problem I am facing with your code.  For example

I wanted a form like


1. About yourself

          My name  _________    __________            (first and last name)

          Birthday  _________    ______  _________  (month, day and year)

          Address  _________  _____________          (Address, state)


2. Select an ID and password

        Email        _______

        Username  _______

        Password  ________


your code only give one field per line.  I did the two field or three field per line but what I am having trouble are with adding 2. Select an ID and password this to the form and adding style and width and height of the form and fields, etc. 


Do you know how I can do this?  examples would be great. 




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