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from scratch or pre-made solution?


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I was looking into Joomla actually, but im having an extremely tough time getting the home page to format the way i need it to be.


Let me explain what id like, and id appreciate you tell me if its so simple i should have someone do it from scratch, OR should i use something like joomla?


Home page

- 6 thumbnails of images, randomly rotating from all images in database

- 3 150x150 boxes displaying various posts from users, or articles



- Will simply be google calendar embedded into the page


- phpBB


- First will display albums, and clicking on an album will show thumbnails, clicking on them will show full image

Recent News

- This page will display a news feed

Family News

- This page will show articles posted by users

Website News

- This section will show articles posted by the admin, regarding site bugs and development updates



Users will be able to register and create a simplified profile.

Users will be able to post to the "Family News" section

Users will be able to upload photos, create albums, etc

Users will be able to post on the forum




Basically the idea of this site is for just like 12 family members to keep up with events coming up (by way of the calendar), recent stories about their kids, or families (view family news), or discuss any issues (via phpBB)


so .. from scratch or a boxed solution such as joomla?


Keep in mind im not a programmer and will most likely end up contracting. Which option would be the cheapest if thats the case?


Thanks so much!











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I'd get someone to modify Joomla for you since it's just some layout changes and a few coding changes.


Thats kinda along the ines of what i was thinking,


The problem lies in having the home page look anything like my sketch lol. a "joomla" guy wants $1,000 and i know that's just not realistic.


So exactly what am i looking for? someone who just knows PHP? or do they also have to know joomla? Im just not sure about how joomla coding works, if its critical that you have worked in joomla before, etc.


Thanks so much for reply, and advice

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well i dont actually have any time estimates yet, i think he was just speaking out loud and thats not accurate.


id imagine this job consists of just shifting around the <div>'s to get them in the spot needed, and then pluging in the modules into the correct <div>


someone who is beyond the learning stages of html, shouldnt have too much trouble.


but im not one of those people, and i might be seeing it all worng anyhow :(


but i know $1000 is crazy lol.


can someone link me to the section of where to post a paid job?

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Well, yeah, I was just speculating.  But if a person had Joomla knowledge, it would be much faster.  I mean, $1000 isn't unreasonable for some website jobs, but this doesn't seem that big.


P.S: I can't believe nobody pointed out my blatant typo when I said "obsurd".  It should have been "absurd".  It was really late last night. D:

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