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Insight needed for web app by new web developer


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At my current job I do a large amount of application development in Access, from building reports and forms for data gathering, to coding up automated tasks that interface with other database systems (mostly Oracle). In addition to that I do a lot of sql reporting from Oracle, Access, and a bit of MsSQL. After working with Access for over a year, I'm seeing the drawbacks with developing applications in it. Mainly the issues with security, making scalable applications, and the difficulty in distributing the application to users.


A few months ago I picked up a copy of "PHP 6 and MySQL 5" by Larry Ullman since I was interested in learning the skill set necessary to develop web pages/applications. After reading though about half of it, I saw how a web application would be a benefit to what I do at work, and also give me a project to test out what I'm learning. So I proposed to my boss the development of a web based application that would be more secure then current methods, allow anyone to gain access to it throughout our organization (without any setup or required software on user's PC), replace several processes that are currently handled via paper or email, and centralize the location of our future projects. My boss liked it, approved it, and we're in the process of getting the hardware in place from our IT department.


So here's the problem. I've never built a full website such as the one I proposed, I'm new to web development, but not to programming/scripting. After going through the Larry Ullman book, I picked up other books, online tutorials, and videos on HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. The more I read into all of it, the more confused I am as to how to go about developing this web app. I initially envisioned something simple as described in Ullman's case studies, where each page would act relatively independently of the others. Each page would handle it's own logic, process inputs and outputs, use includes to handle session management and authentication. But I've gotten a bit overwhelmed after reading into best practices for development and reviewing things like the Model View Controller (MVC) design patter, or using frameworks such as Zend or CakePHP, or using a Content Management System like Droopal (recommendation by the IT guys).


So I've come here to ask the community for some insight. I'm at the point right now where the initial simple method of developing this project looks like the best way for me to use. I understand that it might not be the most efficient way, but since this would be my first project of this type, I'd rather start something simple that works, and if necessary rewrite down the road.


So what are your thoughts about how I'll be handling this?


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So what are your thoughts about how I'll be handling this?


You need to take everything in small steps. While I would normally recommend frameworks for larger projects it does sound like youv'e got your head screwed on and if you think about what you are doing you yourself can develope all the framework you will need and at the same time have a better understanding of how the entire application fits and works together.


No matter how you look at it writting yourself from scratch will give you a better understanding of php (not just insert framework here) and your application. Having said that, I'll repeat what you've already worked out, its likely not the most efficient solution. It will however (IMO) be more benificial in the end.

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I agree with what thorpe has said.


Now that I've cleared that up :) I think it's worth pointing out that you've put yourself in an unnecessarily tough position. You sound like a fairly skilled individual, who is capable of taking on the task. It also sounds like a web platform will have some benefits. That being said you have to balance implementing the said system, learning the new technologies, and building a system that is good for the business. While you'll probably learn more by building it from scratch you need to ask yourself what type of position this would put the business in. Is it fair to leave them with something potentially difficult to maintain... something that may not scale/adapt to the business.


Typically a framework and/or CMS will provide a platform that promotes a certain set of standards. Naturally this is a good thing from a business standpoint because if you were to leave the organization they can pretty easily find someone with the said skillset. Custom coding the application creates an environment that is likely harder to maintain.


Just my two cents. I'm sure you'll be able to come up with the solution that makes the most sense... just wanted to make sure you are considering the other side of things.

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