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[SOLVED] o so simple, nesting arrays question


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i think this will be a softie


I have an array called $styles

and an array called $row

$row has a numeric value called id

I need to do some math with id and make the result of that math determine the value of the key to the $styles array


heres my shot


$styles[$row[id % 2]]


$styles should have 2 values because of that, 0 and 1

those become the keys to the array to determine which element of the style array to use, the value of 0 or 1


so is nesting attempt correct?

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I have no idea where you got your code from. When I do zebra stripes, it's unrelated to the query's array. I do...


$n = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
  if($n%2 == 0) $bgcolor="whatever color";
  else $bgcolor="other color";
  echo "<td bgcolor=$bgcolor>text</td>";



and modify as needed. This is provided you only need alternating colors. If you're looking for different colors based on the content, let us know.

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I have no idea where you got your code from. When I do zebra stripes, it's unrelated to the query's array. I do..


Just to fix your code before I comment, your not incrementing the $n variable....


$n = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
  if($n%2 == 0) $bgcolor="whatever color";
  else $bgcolor="other color";
  echo "<td bgcolor=$bgcolor>text</td>";


The op's method relies on each row having odd/even numbers in sequence. Your method relies on the $n variable being incremented one number (odd followed by even) at a time.


$styles = array('ddd','eee');

if ($result = mysql_query("SELECT id,data FROM foo")) {
  if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
      echo "<td bgcolor='" . $styles[$row['id'] % 2] . "'>" . $row['data'] . "</td>";


The first method is obviously more reliable as there is no guarantee that the id field will contain odd/even increments.

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