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[SOLVED] Remove row


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I am not getting the Rows deleted when i do this?




header("Location: URL where I want it redirected");








if (!($db = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username , $password))){

die("Can't connect to database server.");


// select a database


if (!(mysql_select_db("$database",$db))){

die("Can't connect to database.");



$sql = "DELETE FROM Assignment WHERE AssignmentID = $aid";



or die(mysql_error());


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   if (!($db = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username , $password))){
         die("Can't connect to database server.");
         // select a database
         if (!(mysql_select_db("$database",$db))){
            die("Can't connect to database.");
    $sql = "DELETE FROM `Assignment` WHERE `AssignmentID` = '$aid'";

     or die(mysql_error().' - '.$sql);
   header("Location: URL where I want it redirected");

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  //Error Reporting On
  error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

  mysql_connect($hostname, $username , $password)
    or die("Can't connect to database server.");
    or die("Can't connect to database.");

  $sql = "DELETE FROM `Assignment` WHERE `AssignmentID` = '$aid'";

    or die(mysql_error().' - '.$sql);
  header("Location: http://www.google.com");

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E_NOTICE should not be excluded from error_reporting in a learning/development/debugging situation. For example, the previous mysql syntax error is likely due to an empty $aid variable, either because it does not exist in the form or no form is submitting data to this code.

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This page is being called up when i submit a form from another page... and aid is being sent from that form



I have no idea what that meant but here is what your problems probably are:


1) not redirecting... it is likely that configuration.php outputs something onto the screen. When output is made, it wont redirect. end of story.


2) Where is your data coming from? Will you show us the form you're using to remove the data to begin with? If you dont have a form, then there's your problem right there. But if you do, show it to us.


3) thirdly... since this page is only meant to delete a row, why are you doing anything with $_POST['aName'],$_POST['sid'], and$_POST['description']? In fact, why do those variables even exist?


I think the most crucial thing right now is what does your form page look like.


EDIT: @PFMaBiSmAd -  I'm pretty sure that there shouldnt be an error if $aid is empty.. it just wont delete anything.

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I changed some stuff... it still isn't working... it must have been a PHP error because it was not even getting to the MySQL statements...



Here is the code now...


  //Error Reporting On


  error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);



  $Remove = $_POST[removeAID];



  if (!($db = mysql_pconnect($hostname, $username , $password))){

        die("Can't connect to database server.");


        // select a database


        if (!(mysql_select_db("$database",$db))){

            die("Can't connect to database.");



    $sql = "DELETE FROM `Assignment` WHERE `AssignmentID` = '$Remove'";



    or die(mysql_error().' - '.$sql);

header("Location: MyURL");");





Here is the Form...

    <form action="NewAssignment3.php" method="post">

    <table width = "100%" border="5">


            <td width="33%" align="center"> Remove At Assignment ID</td>

                <td width="33%" align="center"><input type="text" size="10" name="removeAID"></td>

                <td width="33%" align="center"><input type="submit" />




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Is all of this in one file? If so, whats the file called? Your form's action goes to NewAssignment3.php so you need to put that php code into a file and name it NewAssignment3.php(if you havent already).


Otherwise, the code looks alright. MAKE SURE in the php file that the <?php is at the very top of the file with nothing in front of it(no new lines or anything) and also make sure config.php isn't outputting anything.


Also, I'd say make exit; into exit(); not sure if that matters, but just play it safe.. it's a function.


One last thing.. after your "header" statement, under it and above the exit(), put a little echo statement that says "did not redirect" that way if it prints that, you know that there was output before the header statement.


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They are in Different Files... the form is in a file called NewAssignment.php and it goes to NewAssignment3.php and the Config file is just Simply full of Variables that I am using... that is where I am storing everything I will try to do the echo statement that you suggested but Nothing is printing out and I think that that means there is an error somewhere that is crashing the entire thing... This is killing me...


Thanks for all of your help... i'm going to stay up all night tonight and stress over it so if anyone can help at all please let me know!!

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